Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Psalms 62:1-2                    (ESV)
"1 "FOR GOD ALONE" my soul waits in silence; from HIM comes my salvation.
2 HE alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I SHALL NOT BE GREATLY SHAKEN."

In the modern day culture, we tend to get so caught up in the pace of  "this world" that most of the time we don't even slow down to hear from GOD.   There are some who have never even developed their Spiritual listening skills to know when GOD is speaking to them.  We can go through life "so busy" that we fail to enjoy our journey.  Not long ago I observed something on a social media site that has stuck with me.  It read, "REST is a weapon given to us by GOD!  The enemy hates it because he wants you STRESSED and OCCUPIED!"  

Before July 09, 2007 I was a poster child for being busy!  Saying "I didn't have time" was as foreign to me as saying "I can't"!  One thing I now recognize is that I was easily shaken in those days.  Making sure I was "in control" was a trait that I did my best to perfect, and with a certain degree of success.  But then I experienced a time of NOT being "in control", the degree of which words cannot describe!  There seems to be something about lying in the floor flat of your face because your legs don't work, and then not being able to formulate a sentence, that humbles me every time I recall the day.  Believing GOD is in control, and KNOWING GOD IS IN CONTROL, are two VERY different things!!!

Learning to wait "FOR GOD ALONE" was not something I just decided I would do because I could do nothing else!  Being hospitalized for 52 days didn't SLOW me down enough to make me not be SHAKEN!   When your SOUL has to "wait in silence" your physical body can become so frustrated that the anxiety and stress can immobilize you.  Waiting "FOR GOD ALONE" can be a very painful, yet extremely rewarding, experience.  We must come to the understanding that HE IS IN CONTROL though and HE has a Plan!

Perhaps being hospitalized can be a time to wait "FOR GOD ALONE"?  Maybe even being in a coma for 17 days may cause you to wait "FOR GOD ALONE"?  But until your SOUL WAITS IN SILENCE "FOR GOD ALONE" there will not be an unmistakable peace and comfort that calms your Spirit.   It cannot come from any other source.  It can only be "FOR GOD ALONE"!!!

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