Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Mark 3:31-35                            (ESV)
"31 And HIS mother and HIS brothers came, and standing outside they sent to HIM and called HIM.
32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, "YOUR mother and YOUR brothers are outside, seeking YOU."
33 And HE answered them, "Who are MY mother and my brothers?"
34 And looking about at those who sat around HIM, he said, "Here are MY mother and MY brothers!
35 For whoever does the "WILL OF GOD", he is MY brother and sister and mother."

Having a strong desire to have the "WILL OF GOD" displayed in my life is, not only a dream, but a goal I have in everything I do.  When JESUS came to "this world" HE did so with the distinct purpose of sacrificing HIMSELF on Calvary for the sins of ALL mankind.  HE didn't just happen to be in Jerusalem during Passover over 2,000 ago where Pilate got mad at HIM and decided to murder HIM.  No, JESUS knew the path that was before HIM and HE came to earth ANYWAY to provide redemption for you and me, AND to do the "WILL OF GOD"!

Being a part of the "physical relatives" of JESUS must be an honor.  But just who is it that were identified as being really related to JESUS?  Did being a physical half-brother of JESUS bring special "Spiritual" enlightenment?  John 4:24 says "GOD is SPIRIT, and those who worship HIM MUST worship HIM in Spirit and Truth"!  Our Spirits cannot be controlled by laws or regulations.  If we have a desire to worship GOD in Spirit and Truth there is nothing that can prevent that from occurring.  Those who have a strong enough desire to do the "WILL OF GOD" cannot be overcome.  The same GOD (SPIRIT) that raised JESUS from the dead (Romans 8:11) can abide in our mortal bodies making all believers in HIM related!

GOD's Plan for my life may not be to sacrifice myself for the sins of mankind.  But GOD still has a definitive Plan for you and me just the same.  That Plan requires me to "walk by faith" (2 Corinthians 5:7) and adjust daily to HIS guidance.  I'm sure it would be nice to have our lives "all mapped out" as to know exactly where we are going and when we will be arriving?  But trusting in HIM brings fulfillment and peace that is beyond description, and that is what I long for!

Making sure we are in the "WILL OF GOD" can be as simple as staying inside the protection of HIS direction.  In Exodus 13:21-22 the children of Israel were blessed with a Pillar of Fire by night and a Pillar of Cloud by day.  When you get outside of HIS protective Pillars you face immediate dangers.  When we are inside the Pillar of the "WILL OF GOD", even though there may be turmoil, PEACE will abound!!

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