Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Isaiah 40:25-28                                  (ESV)
"25 To whom then will you "COMPARE ME", that I should be like him? says the HOLY ONE.
26 Lift up your eyes on high and see: WHO created these? HE who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of HIS might, and because HE is strong in power not one is missing.
27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, "MY WAY IS HIDDEN FROM THE LORD, and MY RIGHT right IS DISREGARDED by my GOD"?
28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting GOD, the Creator of the ends of the earth. HE does not faint or grow weary; HIS understanding is unsearchable."

The US Government can issue a ban on soldiers drinking alcoholic beverages in Japan because of the bad behavior of a unlawful few and, for the most part, it is adhered to with little discussion.  But GOD ALMIGHTY, our Creator, instructs us that living outside of HIS Plan is unhealthy, unHoly, and not in our best interest, and you would think GOD was being a bully on a playground!  Do we even understand the endless mercy and grace of GOD that HE would continue to permit lifestyles that, not only disobey HIM, but utterly and completely DISHONOR HIM?

We try and say that GOD is this, or GOD is that, or HE is unmatched!  Dr. S.M. Lockridge speaks a brief (3 minutes 19 seconds) (https://youtu.be/yzqTFNfeDnE) montage called "That's my KING" that I absolutely love listening to.  In this presentation Dr Lockridge eloquently describes WHO JESUS/GOD is and why we should honor and respect HIM.

In reality, we have nothing we can "COMPARE ME" to?  When we understand that GOD is so big that we can't describe HIM, so powerful that we can't control HIM, so loving that we can't imagine HIM, then we are just beginning to really SEE what our Creator gave up to become a sacrifice for my sins.  And to say I'm not that "bad" is an affront to a HOLY GzzjOD!  Scripture records in 1 John 1:10 "If we say we have not sinned, we make HIM a liar, and HIS word is not in us".

Ecclesiastes 12:14 says "For GOD will bring EVERY DEED into JUDGEMENT, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."  But who will GOD "judge" us against?  WHO will HE "COMPARE ME" to?  The only HOPE any of us have is to have JESUS CHRIST on our defense team and let HIM plead HIS blood on our behalf!  When we have JESUS on our side, we can "COMPARE ME" to any foe!

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