Monday, August 1, 2016

"GOD's Plan!"

Job 14:1-6                 (NASB)
"Man, who is born of woman, Is short-lived and full of turmoil. "Like a flower he comes forth and withers. He also flees like a shadow and does not remain. "YOU also open YOUR eyes on him and bring him into judgment with YOURSELF. "Who can make the clean out of the unclean? No one! "Since his days are determined, The number of his months is with YOU; And his limits YOU have set so that he cannot pass. "Turn YOUR gaze from him that he may rest, Until he fulfills his day like a hired man.”

The journey we are all assigned I cannot explain nor reason for anyone.  In August 1996 I celebrated my 36th birthday.  My younger sister played softball in a co-ed league.  She was always fit, doing exercises seemingly incessantly.  In October 1996 she was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer.  In December 1996 she went to Heaven!  I was a Believer then, but wasn't devout enough to understand that GOD has a Plan and we are all part of that Plan!

Of course, most are familiar with the history of the near fatal brain hemorrhage that I experienced in July 2007.  Surviving the brain hemorrhage left me in an almost euphoric state, not understanding that I was just a part of the Plan, and I am just fulfilling my part of that Plan.  In October 2007, while I was still in outpatient Rehab, a dear friend of mine was killed while riding his bicycle.  Why would GOD work such a miracle to keep me here and then take my friend to Heaven with no warning?  My friend's wife was battling brain cancer and would succumb to that battle a couple of years later.  Their daughter is being raised by her grandparents.  For a number of years I had "survivors guilt" because I thought I should not have survived the hemorrhage in 2007 and my friend certainly was needed here to care for his daughter.

But who am I to question GOD's Plan with my limited wisdom?  My "emotions and reasonings" tend to play into my deductions and cloud my judgement.  In considering what SHOULD have happened in all the aforementioned cases, there is no way I could grasp what is best for my sister, my friend, or even for me.  My "wisdom" is simply limited to what GOD guides and directs me to do at specific times in my life.  To be a part of GOD's Plan, no matter how big a part, is an extremely humbling experience.  HE even knew and ordained that I would be writing this account before the Creation story was written!

GOD has a Plan!  We are/were created for HIS Glory, not for ourselves nor our loved ones.  If I leave this world tomorrow, or if I lived to be 100 years old, it will be HIS timing when I leave, not until!  Some "flowers" live a long time, some barely make it a few days.  My prayer is that I will continually Glorify HIM for as long as GOD has ordained me to remain in this world!!

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