Monday, August 29, 2016


Numbers 14:11-12                                   (ESV)
"11 And the LORD said to Moses, "HOW LONG" will this people despise me? And "HOW LONG" will they not believe in ME, IN SPITE OF THE SIGNS THAT I HAVE DONE AMONG THEM?
12 I will strike them with the pestilence and disinherit them, and I will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they."

The insane pace at which "this world" operates is a direct reflection of a rejection of GOD and HIS principles.  Most people who read my writings understand that I am extremely fond of Psalms 46:10, "BE STILL, and know that I AM GOD"!  Well, can you fathom a candidate for President of the United States proposing that America should cease operations for just one day and spend time on our knees seeking GOD's direction for our country?  How many voters do you think would support someone who actually thought the most important thing we should be doing is to "BE STILL, and know that I am GOD'?

The children of Israel had seen miracle after miracle from ALMIGHTY GOD during the exodus from Egypt.  First there was the ten plagues, followed by the crossing of the Red Sea, numerous victories over people who did NOT fear GOD, and countless other miracles.  In Numbers 14 they were once again doubting that GOD and HIS Plan for them, and that their victory was secured in HIM!  Has America taken for granted the miracles from GOD and HIS awesome Hand of guidance over our prosperity?  Do we believe more in our military and economic prowess than we believe in the GOD WHO delivered our position within this world?

GOD did not operate on the children of Israel's schedule during their journey to the Promised Land, and HE doesn't work on America's timeline today, nor our preconceived ideas!  We can continue trying to force GOD into a box of how we feel HIS deliverance should come, but until we are willing to accept victory in anyway GOD defines, we will continue being frustrated and bewildered by the divine results!  HIS Plan is HIS Plan, and we don't get to interject our wishes, nor our desires, into HIS Plan.  Working on what WE FEEL should be a better outcome or result could be stepping outside of FAITH into common sense, and anything outside of FAITH is a sin (Romans 14:23)!  In Numbers 14:43-45 the children of Israel went to battle without the LORD leading them and THEY WERE DEFEATED by the Amalekites and the Canaanites!

Has America fallen into the same trap as the children of Israel fell into in Numbers 14?  GOD allowed Israel to be defeated in Numbers 14:44-45, and America has not out and out won a battle/war since World War II.  Have we allowed the enemy to get us moving at such a pace that we are not comfortable with WAITING ON THE LORD for HIS guidance and direction in our own lives, or our country's prosperity?  Might GOD be once again saying "HOW LONG" will THIS PEOPLE despise listening to ME?  GOD chose to wait until all of the doubters of HIS Plan died (possibly premature deaths) and then HE directed the nation of Israel into The Promised Land!  "HOW LONG" will HE allow America to exist without honoring and exalting HIS Name, and BELIEVING IN HIM?  "HOW LONG???"

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