Monday, August 8, 2016


Exodus 14:13-14                                    (ESV)
"13 And Moses said to the people, "FEAR NOT, STAND FIRM, and see "THE SALVATION OF THE LORD", which HE WILL WORK FOR YOU TODAY. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
14 The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."

Not being a person who has taken kindly to having things done FOR them, I have seemingly always been involved with everything I felt was a worthy cause.  After all, scripture states in several places, mainly James 2:20, that FAITH without WORKS is dead, and I didn't want to be out worked by anyone else.  Making sure I was doing everything I could for the Kingdom was very important to me, but WAITING ON GOD was something that was, at best, foreign to my instincts.

The King James Version of Exodus 14:13 says to STAND STILL, rather than STAND FIRM.  The children of Israel were between a "rock and a hard place" as there were mountains to the left and right, and the Red Sea was before them and the Egyptian Army was quickly advancing behind them.  Moses, whom GOD was using as HIS  mouthpiece, instructed them to STAND FIRM, not so they could display their FEAR, but so GOD ALMIGHTY would get glory over the Egyptians (Exodus 14:4;17), AND HE DID (Exodus 14:30)!

The promise of GOD was that HE would deliver the children of Israel out of bondage from the Egyptians.  HE didn't promise the journey would be without FAITH GROWING experiences.   Sometimes I exhibit the same lack of FAITH that the Israelites did in Exodus 14:10-12.  The tendency to surrender to the captivity that the enemy deceptively attempts to sell is exactly what he wants us to do.  All the children of Israel could "see" was the gloom and doom of the approaching Egyptian Army.  What GOD saw was an opportunity for HIS Glory to be on display!

Even though we have scripture to SEE how GOD has provided in the past, for some reason, at least I have to have my eyes opened to "THE SALVATION OF THE LORD"!  There is no greater experience than to see the HAND of the ALMIGHTY at work in our lives, but I tend to focus on my enemy and not the opportunity for GOD to be Glorified!  When will I realize that I am only a vessel to honor and glorify HIM, and to display "THE SALVATION OF THE LORD"?!?!

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