Thursday, August 4, 2016


Ephesians 6:5-8               (ESV)
"5 Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would CHRIST,
6 not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of CHRIST, doing the will of GOD from the heart,
7 rendering service with a good will as to the LORD and not to man,
8 knowing that "WHATEVER GOOD ANYONE DOES", this he will receive back from the LORD, whether he is a bondservant or is free."

Sometimes a passage of scripture comes to my mind as I am reading another scripture.  Sometimes it is out of the blue that I am led to a familiar scripture.  Today as I was praying about where I was supposed to be in scripture, my mind would not let Ephesians 6 leave me alone.  Now Ephesians 6:12 is one of my favorite verses, "For we struggle NOT against flesh  and blood", but I didn't feel as though that was where I was supposed to go today. So I started read Ephesians 6 from the first verse.  When I got to verse 5, somehow GOD told me this is where I needed to be this morning.

There has always been a conflict between obeying your earthly masters when it comes to violating scripture.  Writing this is not something that I have pre thought in my mind, rather I am basically writing a sentence as it comes to my mind.  While it is true we own our own business, we have many "earthly masters", as everyone of our clients pays our business money which basically means they are our bosses!  We have to appease our "bosses" (clients) while at the same time appeasing the companies we represent and do our best to keep everybody happy.

The phrase that really got my attention today was "WHATEVER GOOD ANYONE DOES"!  It wasn't about who we need to obey and whether their intentions are GOD honoring or not.  It wasn't about whether feel like I am treated fairly in my dealings with other people.  It's about "WHATEVER GOOD ANYONE DOES" for others and making sure what I do is done for HIS Glory!  We have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST living inside of our bodies (Galatians 2:20), and we are to constantly yield to HIS guidance of our lives!  JESUS surrendered HIMSELF to death on Calvary and we need to be willing to die daily to HIS will for our lives.  You can't live victoriously unless you surrender daily.

I'm sure everyone has heard "What goes around comes around"?  Whether your earthly masters require you to treat others poorly, or you choose on your own to treat others poorly, OR if "WHATEVER GOOD ANYONE DOES" is what you have to deal with, the Bible says "this he will receive back from the LORD"!  In my humble opinion, it would be far better a blessing to await the LORD HIMSELF repaying some good that I have done than to have to be concerned with the receiving a portion of the bad I have brought about to someone.

HEAVENLY FATHER forgive me for thinking I had to repay evil with evil.  Through YOUR SPIRIT, cause me to be someone who reflects YOUR SPIRIT with my life in everything I do.

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