Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Matthew 14:22-23                    (ESV)
"22 Immediately HE (JESUS) made the disciples get into the boat and go before HIM to the other side, while HE dismissed the crowds.
23 And after HE had dismissed the crowds, HE went up on the mountain by HIIMSELF to pray. When evening came, "HE WAS THERE ALONE","

JESUS had just finished feeding the 5,000 men, plus women and children, and HE "MADE" the disciples get into the boat to go to the other side of the lake where they were.  The area was a "desolate place" where JESUS had gone to be alone, but when the crowds found HIM, HE had compassion on them and healed their sick.  Then when it was time to eat JESUS fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes.  When JESUS dismissed the crowds and strongly suggested (one translation uses the word "compelled") HIS disciples go to the other side, scripture says HE WENT BY HIMSELF TO PRAY!

When there is a NEED to spend time ALONE with the FATHER, anything that causes a distraction should be removed from the equation.   The final words of the passage above is "HE WAS THERE ALONE"!  JESUS knew the importance of being ALONE with GOD.  HE didn't need the crowds, and HE didn't need HIS disciples.  HE simply needed to be ALONE with HIS FATHER to commune with HIM.  JESUS knew that spending time ALONE with the FATHER was imperative to living a life that glorified and honored HIS FATHER.    Beginning HIS moving prayer in John 17:1 JESUS prayed "FATHER, the hour has come; glorify your SON THAT THE SON MAY GLORIFY YOU,".

JESUS is/was all about glorifying the FATHER, not about growing the numbers in the ministry, not about building bigger buildings, not about seeing how many baptisms HE could perform.  No, instead JESUS was sending HIS disciples to the other side of the water so "HE WAS THERE ALONE" to pray!  HE had just ministered to thousands and had sent the throngs of people, even HIS closest friends away, so that "HE WAS THERE ALONE" with the FATHER.

How many times do I allow the thing of "this world" to regulate the time I spend with THE FATHER?  JESUS "compelled" HIS disciples to leave HIM ALONE to pray, but sometimes I allow my cellphone, email, social media, and anything else interrupt my time with THE FATHER.  Could it be that I don't place a  high enough value on my time ALONE with THE FATHER?  JESUS "loved" like no other being in history, but yet "HE WAS THERE ALONE" with the FATHER, so why should I be?  Maybe I should value my time ALONE with the FATHER more, placing nothing else in line ahead of this time?  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to recognize that the time spent with YOU will never be better spent as long as "HE WAS THERE ALONE" with YOU!!!

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