Friday, August 5, 2016


James 4:13-14              (ESV)
"13 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit"-
14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For "YOU ARE A MIST" that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

There was a meme on a social media site recently that read, "Things money can't buy: Character, Manners, Morals, Common Sense, Trust, Class, Respect, Patience, Integrity, Love.   When contemplating this statement, my mind went to some dear friends who have gone on to glory, and the first thing on the list should be TIME!  We all think we have all kinds of TIME to accomplish things for our future, our family, our community, but we aren't promised our next breath!  Why don't we live with at least the thought of how brief our life can be, and how little TIME we have to serve HIM?

My tenure on this earth is nearing the 56 year mark.  Of course, I was made vividly aware of my immortality nine years ago when my brain hemorrhaged.  I spent my 47th birthday in Rehab.  I was only 47 years old and I was completely unable to walk, could barely talk, and my brain was seemingly operating in molasses as everything seemed to be happening SO SLOWLY!  Looking back, I didn't grasp the fact at the time that I was living my life at a pace that very little mattered except my agenda, and what I wanted.

But what about GOD's Plan for my life?  Where was I headed and what was it I was trying to accomplish?  Recognizing and admitting that only what I do for The KINGDOM is all that matters in the end is the first thing I can do toward Spiritual maturity.  Attempting to complete a plan for my life outside of The PLAN GOD has for me can be frustrating!  Making certain I am waiting on HIM is my biggest challenge, as the temptation to DO SOMETHING is almost incessantly challenged by BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!

"YOU ARE A MIST" became very clear to me nine years ago.  Getting back into the flow of life can be a deception brought about by the enemy.  Understanding and realizing that "YOU ARE A MIST" is something that GOD brings to my mind very softly and clearly when HE slows me down to listen to HIM!   Our physical bodies are built to last only a few years, and then our Spirits will vacate our bodies and move to our eternal home!  LORD, cause me to slow down and live as though "I AM A MIST".  My only goal is to do what YOUR Plan is for me!

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