Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Hebrews 3:1-3                      (ESV)
"1 Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, "CONSIDER JESUS", the apostle and high priest of our confession,
2 WHO was faithful to HIM who appointed HIM, just as Moses also was faithful in all GOD's house.
3 For JESUS has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses-as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself."

Constant amazement is the only thing that adequately describes the rhetoric surrounding the political pundits and the current race for the Presidency of the United States of America.  Every current candidate, just as every previous candidate, is flawed, some more deeply than others!  It would be refreshing to hear just one person admit their imperfections and claim the grace of GOD in, and over, their life?  Seemingly, that would be almost too much to suggest for a modern day politician to submit themselves to.

But who (or WHO) would be qualified to lead us through our wilderness, like Moses ledge children of Israel?  YHWH was the only ONE capable of leading the Israelites in the wilderness, and HE did that via the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night.  The Pillar of Cloud provided protection from the hot sun and led them exactly where they needed to be going to fulfill GOD's Plan on their way to the Promised Land.  They could've made their journey a lot easier by having more FAITH.  However, their path could have been a lot more difficult had the Egyptians overtaken them at the Red Sea.

Following the leadership of GOD is something that we have to make a choice about each day.  Why don't I seek to follow HIM (HIS HOLY SPIRIT) more fervently as I serve HIM?  Just as HE led the children of Israel through the wilderness, GOD is wanting to guide me/us to people and places where I/we can be used to glorify HIM!  The easiest way for me to get out of GOD's Plan is when I come to a fork in the road I assume I have to take one or the other?   GOD may be wanting me to just BE STILL and wait on HIM for directions?!

Sometimes we need to "CONSIDER JESUS" before we continue down our path of life.  HE has been with GOD since the foundations of the worlds, so HE knows everything we need to flourish, IF we simply trust in HIM!  If we would just "CONSIDER JESUS" before taking the proverbial fork in the road we might steer clear of a world of trouble.  HE IS THE ANSWER,  not a Presidential candidate!  "CONSIDER JESUS"

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