Friday, August 26, 2016


These words were written on September 29, 2014 and were found this morning when I completed a word search.   Although the prophet wrote these words many years ago, they STILL are currently being used in my life!!!


Lamentations 3:22-26                  (KJV)
"22 It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because HIS compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is THY faithfulness.
24 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in HIM.
25 The LORD is good unto THEM THAT WAIT for HIM, to the soul that seeketh HIM.
26 It is good that a man should both hope and "QUIETLY WAIT" for the salvation of the LORD."

It is widely accepted that the Prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations under the guidance of the Spirit of GOD.   I state that he was guided by the Spirit of GOD because this morning I awoke with verse 23 of Lamentations 3 on my heart.  I didn't know where the verse was located, but I soon found it and also found that the author wrote the book sometime around 575 B.C. during the time Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians.

Why would something written almost 3,000 years ago be on my heart this morning?  How could a man of seemingly little significance be impacted by a few lines written by a prophet nearly 3,000 years beforehand?  The Word of GOD can be used by the Spirit of GOD to do magnificently wonderful things to and through the most unlikely vessels known to mankind.  We just need to humble ourselves and realize we are merely vessels to display HIS glory and might for ALL to see.

GOD has been working on me for the past few years about slowing my life down and listening for HIS guidance in my life.  This morning, after reading HIS mercies are new every morning: great is HIS faithfulness, I continued to read and be blessed.  The words in verse 26 got my attention quickly.  "It is good that a man should both hope and "QUIETLY WAIT" for the salvation of the LORD."  "IT IS GOOD" and "QUIETLY WAIT" seemed to stick in my mind.  It was if GOD was telling me it was a good thing for me to "QUIETLY WAIT" for HIM to do a work in my life that only HE can get glory from!

A person can busy themselves into a frenzy trying to make a name for themselves and be successful.   One could easily get discouraged and downtrodden trudging through this journey with no HOPE!  Don't let the enemy hurry your life into a rat-race of trying to fulfill others expectations for your life.  Jeremiah said IT IS GOOD for a man to HOPE and "QUIETLY WAIT" on the salvation of the LORD.

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