Monday, October 31, 2016

"THESE" and "THOSE"!

Acts 17:10-11                    (ESV)
"10 The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue.
11 Now "THESE" Jews were more noble than "THOSE" in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures DAILY to see if these things were so."

This passage of scripture has always intrigued me, as a brother in CHRIST, who has since gone on to glory, pointed out to me that "THESE" Believers in Berea 'examined' the scriptures every day to see what was being preached to them lined up with GOD's Word.  "THOSE" Jews in Thessalonica were not believers and had not assisted in furthering the Gospel at all.  Finding the words "THESE" and "THOSE" being used to identify people is more than interesting to me, it makes me realize that our physical characteristics cannot be used to classify us, for all were Jews.   However, our Spiritual characteristics will speak volumes to those who have discernment, not only about who we are, but also about how Spiritually mature we might be.

There are times when people who are physically and Spiritually older than others, yet they don't exhibit maturity that might be expected by an "elder"?  Reading, memorizing, even quoting scripture is definitely a good thing to achieve, but unless we are changed by the WORD we ingest, we are not allowing it to do its full work on us.  While the WORD is able to change every life who hears it, only those who are CALLED are able to SEE the TRUTH from scripture.  "THESE" Jews in Berea were hungry for the WORD, while "THOSE" in Thessalonica were too busy following their lists of rules and regulations to be concerned about what the WORD said!

It could be easy to mock and ridicule "THOSE" Jews in Thessalonica for following traditions and what they had been taught by their elders?  Why would "THESE" Believers in Berea be "chosen" and not "THOSE" in Thessalonica?  GOD chooses who HE elects to choose (Romans 9:1-24) and HE hardens who HE chooses.  We are not more deserving, "But you are a CHOSEN race, a ROYAL priesthood, a holy nation, a people for HIS own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of HIM who called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous light".  (1 Peter 2:9).  Although being one of "THESE" means I WILL experience trials and tribulations, I wouldn't want to be one of "THOSE" on Judgement Day!

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