Friday, April 28, 2017


Psalms 27:14                                                 (ESV)
"WAIT FOR THE LORD"; be strong, and let your heart take courage; "WAIT FOR THE LORD"! 

This morning I had a devotional all typed up and was saving it to put onto my social media accounts and I fell asleep while transferring it!  My medicines were changed to accommodate the recent surgery and I have to get used to the changes.  When I awoke my devotional consisted of two letters!  It was from the 1st Chapter of 1st Corinthians, but I didn't remember anything else.  Frustrated, I just resolved not to post anything today.

A few minutes later someone inquired about how was I doing?  My response was, "I'm doing EXTREMELY WELL.  My biggest challenge is NOT doing too much, realizing that GOD has everything in HIS control and TRUSTING HIM with the results!"  When I finished the response, I was ashamed of myself.  Wanting to show that I was healing at a better than expected pace, I went to the office recently and tried to accomplish only two things in the 2 to 3 hours I was there!  It was an absolute failure.  Computer problems and other issues caused my anxiety to skyrocket.  When I get frustrated, I am not the most reasonable person to deal with.  

So I didn't go to the office at all yesterday.  Today, I was going in this afternoon, but I have already accomplished more on a cell phone from my recliner than I did the other day, and with NO FRUSTRATION!  When we "WAIT FOR THE LORD" we generally experience a lot less difficulties to overcome, and things go a lot smoother.  Evidently, I am so hardheaded that I don't think the rules apply to me?  When will I live out Exodus 14:14 which says "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."?

My first post-operative office visit with the Surgeon is scheduled for Wednesday next week.  It is as if GOD spoke to me this morning and said, "WAIT FOR THE LORD" or you can experience even more frustration!  Must I be hit over the head with a skillet?????

Thursday, April 27, 2017


2 Corinthians 3:12-18                       (NASB)
"“Therefore having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech, and are not like Moses, who used to put a veil over his face so that the sons of Israel would not look intently at the end of what was fading away. But THEIR MINDS WERE HARDENED; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the SAME VEIL REMAINS UNLIFTED, because it is removed in CHRIST. But to this day whenever Moses is read, A VEIL LIES OVER THEIR HEART; but whenever a person TURNS TO THE LORD, the VEIL is TAKEN AWAY. Now the LORD is the SPIRIT, and where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in "A MIRROR" the Glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the LORD, the SPIRIT.”

Have you ever considered that your life, the example you are living and leaving, is in reality a reflection of the subject we have on the throne of our lives at any given time?  Of course, my life has been surrendered to JESUS CHRIST and I "should" always reflect HIS character in all I do!  But NEWSFLASH, I am far from perfect!  As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:15 "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, of whom I AM THE FOREMOST"!!

The same Apostle Paul writes in the scripture above that "we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in "A MIRROR" the Glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the LORD, the SPIRIT.”  We have been blessed with the opportunity to display in "A MIRROR" for ALL to see the LOVE of CHRIST.  What an honor and privilege to be able to display the LOVE of the CREATOR through our lives, but do we take advantage of that privilege?

In 2 Corinthians 3:15 scripture says "whenever Moses is read, A VEIL LIES OVER THEIR HEART"!  Evidently, some actually CHOSE to have their hearts and minds blinded to the TRUTH that was right before them?  Later on in verse 16 it says "but whenever a person TURNS TO THE LORD, the VEIL is TAKEN AWAY." 

Do I CHOOSE to SEE things the way I want to see them?  Shouldn't my desire be to SEE the TRUTH that GOD has to reveal to me and not what my selfish desires would have me observe?  Don't let "the enemy" blind you to settle for what he would have is see.  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to SEE what YOU would have me SEE looking into "A MIRROR" adorned by YOUR will and purpose for my life!  

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Luke 15:11-24                      (ESV)
"11 And he said, "There was a man who had two sons.
12 And the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.' And he divided his property between them.
13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.
14 And when "HE HAD SPENT EVERYTHING", a severe famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need.
15 So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
16 And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything.
17 "But when he came to himself, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants."'
20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
21 And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
22 But the father said to his servants, 'Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
23 And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And they began to celebrate."

Some people are supporting the young lady competing for a singing competition from a local city regardless of the choices she has made in life to live contrary to The WORD of GOD.  While I do not keep up with the worldly rewards, such as singing competitions, I certainly don't wish her badly because of her lifestyle.   GOD has HIS way of working ALL of these things for HIS Glory and I am not wise enough to say what HE can/can't use for HIS Glory!  

One of the most difficult things I ever had to accept in my life was turning my children over to The LORD meant allowing them to make decisions that I felt was contrary to HIS Word, yet supporting and loving them anyway!  Do you think that in the parable of the Prodigal Son the Father wanted to see his child squandering his inheritance living outside of GOD's Plan for his life?  Have I always followed GOD's Plan for my life?  How often have I chosen a path that was in direct opposition to GOD's Plan for my life, and yet HE has been there waiting for me to recognize and admit that I made a mistake?  

Did the Father continue supporting the Prodigal Son while he was living a sinful lifestyle?  Did he continually send him more money when his funds were depleted?  No, the Prodigal Son had to have his eyes opened that his choices were flawed and he came HOME to admit his errors.  How many times have I had to come to JESUS admitting the error of my ways and beg for restoration?

To be in a position of knowing "HE HAD SPENT EVERYTHING", how worthless you really are, and how GREAT GOD really is, has to be one of the most humbling experiences?  Sure, you can be educated by worldly standards, but until GOD reveals HIS WISDOM to you and directs your paths you will continue down a path where you make a fool of yourself.  Ask the Prodigal Son?!?!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Colossians 3:1-3                          (ESV)
"1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST 
MM, seated at the right hand of GOD.
2 "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON THE EARTH.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD. - Colossians 3:1-3

Imagine, if you will, allowing your mind to be infiltrated, maybe even consumed, with useless propaganda that had nothing to do with the eternal outcome of your soul.  That is the most effective way of the enemy of getting us to do anything but have our attention on JESUS CHRIST and HIS principles.  Maybe it's high time we take control of what we "SET YOUR MINDS" on and focus more on Heavenly things?  The things of "this world" are ALL going to fade away, and what will you have then?  

The biggest challenge I see is in verse one of chapter three above.  "IF" then you have been raised with JESUS" does not mean you lived a decent life and cried at a few funerals!  "IF then you have been raised with JESUS" means that evidently you have been slain with HIM!  Your selfish desires and worldly wants have become a distant memory and HIS Plan has become preeminent in your life.  The only thing is, "IF" you HAVEN'T been raised, then even the desire to "seek things that are above" hasn't been granted to us.  Some people want to believe that they are "chosen" because of a desire to serve HIM they've always had.  But in Colossians 1 Paul writes that some of us (him included) WERE "alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds", but through JESUS CHRIST we have been "reconciled in HIS body of flesh by HIS death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before HIM"!  

Since JESUS performed all of the WORKS required for us to be considered "holy and blameless" before HIM, we shouldn't be trying to be better than the next guy in our service to HIM.  We should "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above and not on our own selfish ambitions.  1 Corinthians 2:16 says "...But we have the MIND of CHRIST"!  We must always remember to "SET YOUR MINDS" on JESUS and keep "this world" out of our view!  

Monday, April 24, 2017


Galatians 3:23-29                   (ESV)
"23 Now BEFORE FAITH CAME, we were held CAPTIVE UNDER THE LAW, imprisoned until the coming FAITH would be revealed.
24 So then, the law was our guardian until CHRIST came, in order that we might be JUSTIFIED BY FAITH.
25 But now that FAITH has come, we are no longer under a guardian,
26 for in CHRIST JESUS you are all sons of GOD, through FAITH.
27 For as many of you as were baptized into CHRIST have put on CHRIST.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST  JESUS.
29 And if you are CHRIST's, then you are Abraham's (faiths) offspring, heirs according to promise."

One of the most often used, yet sometimes without validation, is for those who are "the few, the proud, the Marines"!  There are many who have served in the Marine Corps who demonstrate courage, determination, and drive like few other people.  Then again, there are those who have been through basic training and were graduated into anything but courage, determination and drive, we won't discuss what, for GOD may not be finished with them yet.  

However, "YOU ARE ALL ONE" when it comes to serving in HIS service.  We can be a five foot female or a six foot male, a light skinned Southern boy, or a dark skinned Caribbean girl, an heir of aristocracy, or a descendant of poverty, when "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST JESUS, there is no elite class and there is no bottom dwellers!  

Why then does "the church" continue elevating "elitist" who perceive themselves to be just a bit better than others?  When there is a lower income family of a fellowship experience a loss of income, do we "minister" to them as readily as the more "influential" of our society?  Does the modern church more readily welcome a wealthy family and find ourselves being less than accommodating to a needy family?

On a personal note, one of the most fulfilling tasks I have ever experienced in my Christian walk was when a family from a fellowship I was attending experienced something no family expects to be in their Plan.  There young daughter was diagnosed with a childhood cancer and the prognosis was rather bleak.   Our small fellowship came together and raised a lot of money through various fundraising efforts to assist this family.  No, we weren't able to change the outcome, but just maybe having the resources to cope with the devastation somehow made the journey a little less tormenting. 

We are ALL in this journey of life together and we can't afford snub anyone as we pass by them on our journey.   JESUS CHRIST paid the same unbelievable price for my soul as HE did for a child molester,  and for the Rev. Billy Graham.   Don't get caught up in your bank account balance, a title you may have been given, nor a talent that GOD has granted you with.  The entire world's sins were covered by the Perfect Sacrifice on Mount Calvary, so try to remember "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST JESUS!   

Friday, April 21, 2017


Acts 5:29                   (ESV)
"But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey "GOD RATHER THAN MEN"."

Many years ago one of my most enjoyable activities was playing softball.  My large stature (6'6" 230lbs) allowed me to hit the softball a long way, a practice that I performed frequently.  When my children came along, I began curtailing my softball playing as I started coaching and being a daddy, something I found tremendously more rewarding!

In one of the softball tournaments I was playing in near the end of my career, my children were playing outside of the fields where we were having games.  One of my sons was throwing dirt into the air and letting it come down on his body.  Another member of the team told him to stop doing that, to which my son said, "I don't have to listen to you!  I only have to listen to "MY DADDY"!  Of course, my son stopped throwing dirt and we all laugh about it to this day.  

The lesson I failed to SEE until recently was, as Believers, we have a HEAVENLY FATHER WHO we should have a similar mindset as my son had for me that day.   No matter how "this world" attempts to SEE things through their lenses, we should follow GOD's leadership in ALL we do.  Allowing the "great deceiver" to influence our decisions on following JESUS is akin to saying that we really don't believe HE is WHO HE says HE is!  

Since we are bought by the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST and we are sealed by HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 1:13), why don't I live my life doing EXACTLY what HIS direction in my life leads me to do?  Do I live as though I MUST obey "GOD RATHER THAN MEN", or do I do whatever I think is best and rely on HIS mercy and grace to forgive me?  O HOLY GOD, I beg of YOU to cause me to desire to follow "GOD RATHER THAN MEN" in all I do!!! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017


2 Corinthians 5:7                (ESV)
"for we "WALK BY FAITH", not by sight."

When we are faced with unforeseen occurrences in our lives, it can literally unnerve some.   A cancer diagnosis, a heart problem, a stroke, a spouse decides they don't love you anymore, any number of happenings can cause us to wonder where GOD is and what is HE trying to accomplish in, and through us?

Not knowing what your next step will be demands that we "WALK BY FAITH", especially when it is dark and the way is unclear.   When we "WALK BY FAITH" we typically can't sprint through life like we are accustomed to.   Waiting on GOD doesn't mean just wanting something to happen to keep me at a breakneck pace, trying to out gain our competition.  "WALKING BY FAITH" demands that we BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD (Psalms 46:10)!  

When I envision a "WALK BY FAITH" I see someone in a pitch dark room with some stones on the floor to guide their way, and the person having to navigate the room with NO LIGHT!  If they miss the next stone, they risk falling in a seemingly endless fall.  JESUS is always there for us, but most of us want to have the proverbial "nightlight" burning to make sure we don't make a misstep.  I've even found myself  trying to convince me that GOD gives us "common sense" to guide and direct us through certain troubles.  When we "WALK BY FAITH" we are basically saying that "GOD, you've got this, now I'm going below and take a nap"!!!

Finally, the verse above doesn't leave a lot of room for misunderstanding.   We are commanded to "WALK BY FAITH", AND NOT BY SIGHT!!  JESUS is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD (John 8:12). Unless we allow the LIGHT OF THE WORLD to guide us in our "WALK BY FAITH", we are being led by earthly forces with no interest in growing us Spiritually.  It is really rather simple if we observe without allowing the enemy to camouflaging things.  We can "WALK BY FAITH", or we can allow a false light to guide our ship?!?!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Philippians 4:4-7              (ESV)
"4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The LORD is at hand;
6 DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT ANYTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to GOD.
7 And "THE PEACE OF GOD", which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS."


Life, in general, can present many different issues, most of which I fail to recognize as being first and foremost Spiritual matters.   I've yet to meet the person who has the distinct ability TOTALLY separate "this world" and its myriad of problems from the overwhelming and assuring Peace that ONLY KNOWING JESUS CHRIST can bring.  

Convalescing from recent heart surgery has once again slowed my life down to allow me to SEE that sometimes we tend to become so comfortable and confident in our own abilities to live a life that WE approve of, instead of serving a Righteous and Holy GOD NO MATTER where HIS protective HOLY SPIRIT leads us (Exodus 13:21-22)!  Common Sense would have told anyone that the journey to the Promised Land was at best a week away from the Exodus from Egypt!  There seemed to be no need to drag out the inevitable of allowing the Israelites to inhabit the Land that HOD HIMSELF had promised to Abraham hundreds of years earlier.   

As for me, I always "expect" GOD to manifest HIMSELF in the way I expect HIM to be seen?   But how many times has GOD revealed HIMSELF to me through, say a Sea Gull, or a social media meme, or something as simple as the Wind blowing in a soft, cool breeze?   GOD, in HIS Majesty, will not be constrained by our finite minds.  HIS grandiose Plan isn't limited by the distance between where we are and where we perceive it is we are headed.  What GOD has planned for our lives is far better than anything we could have imagined (Jeremiah 29:11) and we just need to TRUST HIM to provide the guidance and deliverance that ONLY HE can through HIS HOLY SPIRIT.   

Please "BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" (Psalms 46:10) and seek out and know HIS leadership for your life.   Just saying that HE is leading you and your family and loved ones when everything is going the path you are expecting can be a simple act of obedience.  But when the storms are blowing your ship completely off the course you had imagined for your life, don't assume you have missed what GOD has Planned for your future.  HE may need you to go through a Wilderness experience to glorify HIS Name where  "THE PEACE OF GOD", which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS."

Monday, April 17, 2017


Matthew 10:34-39                    (ESV)
"34 "DO NOT THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO BRING PEACE to the earth. I HAVE NOT come to bring peace, BUT A SWORD.
35 For I have come to set a man AGAINST  his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
37 Whoever loves father or mother more than ME is not worthy of ME, and whoever loves son or daughter more than ME is not worthy of ME.
38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow ME is not worthy of ME.
39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life "FOR MY SAKE" will find it."

Spending time on the Gulf Of Mexico coastline a few years back was one of the most Spiritually maturing events of my lifetime.  Sure, I was "on the beach" for Sunday Services (just me and GOD) and not in a "temple", but hearing from GOD that morning through some seagulls that were flying around was quite honestly the most serene and deliberate Spiritual moments I can remember.   

However, without a doubt, one of the most annoying things ever experienced is beach Sand getting on your blanket/spread at he beach.  The Sand can become so irritating that it occasionally requires the blanket/spread to be lifted up and shaken clean to relieve the effects of "this world" from being around us.  Unless this is done, you will continually be annoyed by the beach Sand and its intrusive nature!

Living a Christ-Centered life is essentially the same.  Unless we continually lift ourselves up and clear the effects of "this world" from our lives, we will have more Sand and beach surrounding us, making our lives miserable from the effects.  Until we are willing to give up EVERYTHING that we hold dear; our families, earthly possessions, earthly security (IRA's & CD's), we will not be ready to be used by HIM and for HIS Plan!  CHRIST alone is more than capable of providing those needs for us, but we have to be willing to ACCEPT HIS Plan and not rely on our pre-conceived ideas for what WE THINK our future should hold.  

It is awfully easy to get our focus onto "earthly things" that appear to make "our lives" simpler, easier, more enjoyable, while we are supposed to be here serving HIM!  But if our target is serving HIM, why then should we try to avoid "weaknesses" (2 Corinthians 13:9)?   When I go through things that ONLY HE could have brought me through, why is it so astounding to those observing?   My ONLY purpose is to live my life "FOR MY (JESUS') SAKE" and to draw honor and glory to HIS Name!  Some will understand!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2017


John 8:31-32                   (ESV)
"31 So JESUS said to the Jews who had believed HIM, "If you abide in MY word, you are truly MY disciples,
32 and you will "KNOW THE TRUTH", and THE TRUTH will set you free."

There is a meme going around stating that in a certain year Easter Bunny Portraits because popular in the United States.   The very next year, Child Phycologists are invented!  The TRUTH behind such accusations of blame are as old and varied as a person can imagine, but don't forget that Genesis 3:1 says that that "Now the serpent was more crafty (deceiving, manipulative, beguiling, and overall lying) than any other beast of the field that the LORD GOD had made. He said to the woman, "Did GOD actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"

There is nothing the enemy would rather do than have our focus of attention off of the TRUTH and debating whether/why one of his lies has a chance of plausibility.   Keeping our focus on anything but the TRUTH becomes a success as the TRUTH requires no confirmation of existence, only to be believed!  The TRUTH is that JESUS CHRIST came into "this world" for the explicit purpose of being offered as a ransom for my soul, and the souls of ALL mankind, so that we would have a Redemption Plan that satisfies GOD's Holiness requirements, intermingled with GOD's Love and Grace, Heavenly eternal rewards, and COMPLETENESS that could ONLY come from above and offer it to us freely and willingly.

THE TRUTH can be masked by glitz and glamor too!   There seems to be far less scrutiny for "well-dressed" than any TRUTH that is spread than SEEING the TRUTH when it isn't "well-dressed" is a gift!  When will we SLOW DOWN and SEE THE TRUTH can only become REAL to us when HE elects us to be ONE of HIS OWN?  When GOD ALMIGHTY "reveals" HIMSELF to us a humans, at least for me, it becomes a very humbling experience.  To grasp that the Creator of the Universes loved me to so much to provide Salvation ONLY HE could, it causes me to weep.

Don't accept a lie because of it being "well-dressed" and is promoted by "this world"!   When we "KNOW THE TRUTH" we are offended by anything short of THE TRUTH!  "KNOWING THE TRUTH" and KNOWING ABOUT THE TRUTH are as far apart as they can be.  Making sure that you "KNOW THE TRUTH" will save your soul from hell.  KNOWING ABOUT THE TRUTH will sentence you to eternal damnation.  The choice can be yours!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8                       (ESV)
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your GOD?"

As I sit here convalescing in my hospital room today, I find myself wanting to "push" myself to not be considered "lazy" during my recovery.   But then I back up and SEE where I really am, and I am humbled beyond description just to be alive.

Sometimes we "want to do" so much for the Kingdom, but GOD only requires us to "but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your GOD?"

Sipping coffee!!!!

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Exodus 1:8-14                                            (ESV)
"8 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.
9 And he said to his people, "Behold, the people of Israel are too many and too mighty for us.
10 Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and, if war breaks out, they join our enemies and fight against us and escape from the land."
11 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens. They built for Pharaoh store cities, Pithom and Raamses.
12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And the Egyptians were in dread of "THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL".
13 So they ruthlessly made "THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL" work as slaves
14 and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field. In all their work they ruthlessly made them work as slaves."

It wasn't that "THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL" were a better people than the rest of Creation, rather they were GOD's chosen people, the ones set aside to be used to Glorify HIMSELF!  Israel (formerly known as Jacob) was a grandson to Abraham, whom GOD chose because of his FAITH that GOD was WHO HE said HE was.  Lest we forget, the nation of Israel was, in reality, descendants of Abraham, whose FAITH brought favor from GOD ALMIGHTY!

So why did GOD's Chosen people, "THE  PEOPLE OF ISRAEL", find themselves "enslaved" to the Egyptians?  Were they rebellious and sinful?  Yes, but the reason the Israelites were in Egypt to begin with was there was a severe famine in the homeland they where they came and GOD orchestrated Joseph (Israel's favorite son Genesis 37:3) being second only to Pharaoh in all the land.  Israel (Jacob) and his descendants came to Egypt to survive the famine and became slaves in the 400-plus years following.

However, GOD had a Plan!  In Exodus 14:4 the Bible says "And I (GOD) will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them (Israelites), AND I (GOD) WILL GET GLORY OVER PHARAOH AND ALL HIS HOST, AND THE EGYPTIANS SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD." And they did so."  Pharaoh's heart was so "mad" that he didn't consider that the parted Red Sea might not be held back for him and his host.   Of course we know what happened, Pharaoh and all his hosts, "not one of them remained" (Exodus 14:28)!

Don't let 430 years of captivity, or the Red Sea, or Pharaoh's army disgruntle you in your walk for HIM.  GOD may be using ALL of your troubles for HIS Glory?  "THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL" found out that being chosen by GOD ALMIGHTY doesn't mean that you will experience a smooth life, but rather a peaceful life.

Friday, April 7, 2017


Genesis 50:20                                      (ESV)
"As for you, "YOU MEANT" evil against me, but "GOD MEANT" it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Being a vindictive person can be extremely frustrating when everything is said and done.  Regrettably, there was a time in my life when I was very obsessed with "getting even", making sure me and mine were treated fairly.   Making sure that those I loved weren't done wrong was something that I was sure to defend, sometimes to a fault!

In the scripture above, Joseph had been treated VERY BADLY by his brothers.  They had thrown him into a pit and told his father he was killed by wild animal.  Then they sold him into slavery.  Joseph eventually wound up being second in command to one of the most powerful rulers in the world, because of GOD's Favor on his life.  When famine struck the house of Israel, the same brothers who sold him into slavery after telling his father he had been devoured by a wild animal had to go to Egypt for food.  And who did they have to see????? Nobody but their brother........Joseph!!!

Of course, Joseph could SEE that he was being used by GOD ALMIGHTY to perform a task far greater than his brothers could even imagine.   Seeing the bottom of the pit he was thrown into, or the slavery he had to endure, or any of the other difficulties in his life could have blinded him with anger.   But what "YOU MEANT" to be a detriment in his life, "GOD MEANT" to be used for HIS Glory!  We need to be able to SEE as Joseph could, that things may happen to us that "YOU MEANT" for evil, but "GOD MEANT" to be used to glorify HIM!!!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Ephesians 4:11-14               (ESV)
"10 He WHO descended is the ONE WHO also ascended far above all the heavens, that HE might fill all things.)
11 And HE gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers,
12 to equip "THE SAINTS" for the WORK of MINISTRY, for building up the body of CHRIST,
13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the SON of GOD, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of CHRIST,
14 so that WE MAY NO LONGER BE CHILDREN, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes."

Everyone of us is assigned by GOD ALMIGHTY a life to live., either for HIM, or for ourselves and the enemy. Some followers of CHRIST are called to be teachers, some shepherds, some evangelists, others prophets and other apostles.  GOD determines what a calling is, not your mother or grandmother, your father or grandfather!  Until GOD calls you and you respond favorably, you won't have HIS blessing on your life!  You can be a successful leader (as far as the world is concerned), but you'll never be able to lead HIS sheep, which is what ALL offices mentioned above are charged to do!

You may ask, what is my calling if I'm not called to be one of the aforementioned "leaders"?  It may be to be one of "THE SAINTS" mentioned in verse 12.   Being a follower is critical to being a Christian.  We ALL are called to follow CHRIST.   Don't attempt to elevate yourself in your mind because you have a "position" or an "office" that is spoken about, for being a prayer warrior is written about FAR MORE than any other calling.   A faithful prayer warrior is cherished by any pastor worth his calling, for he knows that unless he has the divine protection of the prayers of "THE SAINTS", he is battling with one arm tied behind his back.  

So many "leaders" aren't GOD called and wind up tickling ears and saying what will get the biggest offering on Sunday.  The don't plow too deep because they aren't interested in seeing Spiritual growth by their listeners, rather how many attendees they have from Sunday to Sunday.  Finding out what your Spiritual gift is vital, not only for your Spiritual growth, but to fit into "the family" you are a part of.  Unless you have people who are called to be in support roles, there won't be growth in your Spiritual family.  Too many chiefs and not enough warriors leads to imminent defeat!

It can't be emphasized enough that "THE SAINTS" must be striving for "mature manhood" (v13) so that they will be NO LONGER CHILDREN in the army for CHRIST!  To become "THE SAINTS", the WORD must be followed, and not just the part that makes us happy, but the part that draws us closer to HIM!  That is being part of "THE SAINTS"!!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Proverbs 16:9                                     (ESV)
"The heart of man plans his way, but "THE LORD" establishes his steps."

Today many different people I know are experiencing a variety of different trials, emotions and challenges in their lives.  One friend is at the hospital witnessing the birth of a baby.  One friend is battling a life-threatening disease.  Another friend is flying back home from a vacation.  And one friend is in Heaven while his family goes to a Memorial service in his honor!

We all have issues in life that we must face.  Overcoming difficulties can be monumental for some.  It seems that those who don't perform well under terrible circumstances often wind up experiencing even more trauma.  When we LEARN to TRUST the LORD, no matter what comes our way, HE can get Glory from the very difficulties that the enemy had grief and turmoil planned (Genesis 50:20).

Our ultimate goal should be to Glorify GOD in all we do.  Scripture says in Isaiah 43:7 that "everyone who is called by my name, WHOM I CREATED FOR MY GLORY, whom I formed and made."  We are not put on this earth to create our own dynasty, or see HOW MUCH WEALTH WE CAN ACCUMULATE, or how many awards or notoriety we can muster.  We are created FOR HIS GLORY!

When my baby sister succumbed to Stomach Cancer many years ago, I was left wondering how GOD could be glorified by her terrible exit from this life?  Not to understand is a terrible feeling, but FAITH that GOD is faithful and loved her far more than I could made it possible for me to make it through it.  GOD guides us where we can Glorify HIS Name, not where we can make the most money!

JESUS was dealt the most horrible scourging and death ever known to mankind.  HE suffered this as payment for our (MY) sins and to Glorify GOD (John 17:1).  JESUS wasn't "taken" by the guards early that fateful morning outside of Jerusalem.  GOD ALMIGHTY had a Plan for HIS life to pay for the sins of ALL mankind!  Don't get upset when things don't go as YOU THINK they should.  "THE LORD" has a Plan and you may just be fulfilling that Plan!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


2 Corinthians 13:5                     (ESV)
"EXAMINE YOURSELVES", to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that JESUS CHRIST is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!"

             OPEN BOOK EXAMS

1. In an "open book exam". you are evaluated on understanding rather than recall and memorization.
2. Do not underestimate the preparation needed for an "open book exam": ...
3. Organize your reference materials, your "open book:" ...

The above is copied/pasted from an internet search engine on "OPEN
BOOK EXAM".  In my humble estimation, mankind is involved with a lifelong "OPEN BOOK EXAM".  We have trials and questions throughout our lives, some of us with more difficult questions than others, and how well we perform on our test is determined by how well we are prepared by studying for the "OPEN BOOK EXAM".

President Ronald Reagan once said "Within the covers of the BIBLE are the answers for all the problems men face", and we FAIL our exam if we refuse to search scripture enough to find those answers.  Man can offer reasonings and opinions, but 1 Corinthians 3:19 says "For the wisdom of this world is folly with GOD. For it is written, "HE catches the wise in their craftiness,".  Boy, does that statement ever ring loud and clear?!?

If it is true that the Bible the answers for all of life's problems, why do we prefer to go it alone when facing difficulties in our lives?  It must be easier to continue trying to be a success when you haven't experienced a TOTAL and COMPLETE dependence on the LORD literally for your next breath?  When you've been where I was in 2007, you understand what my former pastor used to say, "You're are only guaranteed the breath you have.  The next one belongs to GOD"!!!

To know that our CREATOR has given us the material for an "OPEN BOOK EXAM" is one of the greatest gifts we can experience.  Why would anyone not study for the "OPEN BOOK EXAM"?  Perhaps you are in the group mentioned in the last part of the verse above, "you fail to meet the test!"  If that is the case, my prayer is your eyes will be opened and you will begin studying for the "OPEN BOOK EXAM"!!!

Monday, April 3, 2017


John 1:1-5                 (ESV)
"1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and "THE WORD WAS GOD".
2 HE was in the beginning with GOD.
3 All things were made through HIM, and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.
4 In HIM was LIFE, and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.
5 The LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

A lot of people are talking about some music awards show they were viewing on television recently.  They are suggesting that as time progresses we are becoming less and less authentic with our appreciation of how things used to be done.  My memories of how things used to be are mainly focused on pop music, but some of the older country music stars will never be reproduced because they were iconic!!

Do you ever suppose that ALMIGHTY GOD  possibly thinks something similar to the modern day church?  Most people either have access to a Bible or know how to find that access, therefore THE WORD is available for all.  My beliefs are that the modern day church has become so infatuated with modern culture and conveniences that "THE WORD WAS GOD" has totally been overshadowed in our minds.  Of course, unbelievers have allowed "the enemy" to blind them (2 Corinthians 4:4) and the church hasn't allowed the LIGHT to shine through its life to overcome the darkness?

2 Timothy 4:3-4 says "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the TRUTH and wander off into myths."  Have we "progressed" to where we would rather "fit into" this world than to be used by the FATHER to draw people to the HIMSELF?

"THE WORD WAS GOD" is THE CURE for what ails mankind, but we won't slow our lives down to hear HIM?  The ORIGINAL is the ONLY solution!  We seemed convinced that we can't go against the model set up for us by "this world" to be successful, so we do what we can to appease the world and may be, JUST MAYBE satisfy GOD, THE CREATOR?!?  We (mainly I) must break free from the chains the enemy uses to bind me with and TOTALLY sell out to the leadership of "THE WORD WAS GOD"!!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Exodus 20:18-21                      (ESV)
"18 Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they stood far off
19 and said to Moses, "You speak to us, and we will listen; BUT DO NOT LET GOD SPEAK TO US, lest we die."
20 Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for GOD has come to test you, THAT THE FEAR OF HIM MAY BE BEFORE YOU, "THAT YOU MAY NOT SIN"."
21 The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where GOD was."

Last night we went to a wedding for a dear friend of mine.  She went to high school and college with my oldest son.  We were pretty close during her high school years, but as it usually happens, had drifted over the years to being not so close.  She is very beautiful and was stunningly dressed in her wedding gown.  My prayer is that she and her new husband will experience a lot of joy in the future, and the trials that inevitably come will only draw them closer to each other and to the LORD.

We were very delighted to see her, but I tried very hard to not be emotional as we were visiting.  But then...........we were getting ready to leave and we went to tell her goodbye, she and I both began to get emotional.   Finally I had to just walk away as I didn't want her makeup to be all messed up during the biggest moment of her life.  

In the passage of scripture above, the children of Israel were getting ready to set forth on a journey where they where they were going, nor how they were going to get there, nor how long the journey would take them?  I'm sure they didn't expect it to be a quick journey, but to last forty years wasn't something that they expected either.  GOD had led them out of captivity and The Promised Land was their destination, but getting to that destination wasn't going to be a bed of roses!

When we experience trials and tribulations we usually think we have done something wrong and are being punished for our wrong doings.  Don't forget that GOD loves us more than we can EVER realize and that HE has many blessings that we can't see sometimes.  Our journey may lead us into a wilderness where our Promised Land seems to be far from our realization.  Sometimes GOD has come to test you, THAT THE FEAR OF HIM MAY BE BEFORE YOU, "THAT YOU MAY NOT SIN"."  There is no better advice that can be given.  Stay in HIS WORD and allow HIM to guide and direct your life!!!