Sunday, April 2, 2017


Exodus 20:18-21                      (ESV)
"18 Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they stood far off
19 and said to Moses, "You speak to us, and we will listen; BUT DO NOT LET GOD SPEAK TO US, lest we die."
20 Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for GOD has come to test you, THAT THE FEAR OF HIM MAY BE BEFORE YOU, "THAT YOU MAY NOT SIN"."
21 The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where GOD was."

Last night we went to a wedding for a dear friend of mine.  She went to high school and college with my oldest son.  We were pretty close during her high school years, but as it usually happens, had drifted over the years to being not so close.  She is very beautiful and was stunningly dressed in her wedding gown.  My prayer is that she and her new husband will experience a lot of joy in the future, and the trials that inevitably come will only draw them closer to each other and to the LORD.

We were very delighted to see her, but I tried very hard to not be emotional as we were visiting.  But then...........we were getting ready to leave and we went to tell her goodbye, she and I both began to get emotional.   Finally I had to just walk away as I didn't want her makeup to be all messed up during the biggest moment of her life.  

In the passage of scripture above, the children of Israel were getting ready to set forth on a journey where they where they were going, nor how they were going to get there, nor how long the journey would take them?  I'm sure they didn't expect it to be a quick journey, but to last forty years wasn't something that they expected either.  GOD had led them out of captivity and The Promised Land was their destination, but getting to that destination wasn't going to be a bed of roses!

When we experience trials and tribulations we usually think we have done something wrong and are being punished for our wrong doings.  Don't forget that GOD loves us more than we can EVER realize and that HE has many blessings that we can't see sometimes.  Our journey may lead us into a wilderness where our Promised Land seems to be far from our realization.  Sometimes GOD has come to test you, THAT THE FEAR OF HIM MAY BE BEFORE YOU, "THAT YOU MAY NOT SIN"."  There is no better advice that can be given.  Stay in HIS WORD and allow HIM to guide and direct your life!!!

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