Monday, April 24, 2017


Galatians 3:23-29                   (ESV)
"23 Now BEFORE FAITH CAME, we were held CAPTIVE UNDER THE LAW, imprisoned until the coming FAITH would be revealed.
24 So then, the law was our guardian until CHRIST came, in order that we might be JUSTIFIED BY FAITH.
25 But now that FAITH has come, we are no longer under a guardian,
26 for in CHRIST JESUS you are all sons of GOD, through FAITH.
27 For as many of you as were baptized into CHRIST have put on CHRIST.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST  JESUS.
29 And if you are CHRIST's, then you are Abraham's (faiths) offspring, heirs according to promise."

One of the most often used, yet sometimes without validation, is for those who are "the few, the proud, the Marines"!  There are many who have served in the Marine Corps who demonstrate courage, determination, and drive like few other people.  Then again, there are those who have been through basic training and were graduated into anything but courage, determination and drive, we won't discuss what, for GOD may not be finished with them yet.  

However, "YOU ARE ALL ONE" when it comes to serving in HIS service.  We can be a five foot female or a six foot male, a light skinned Southern boy, or a dark skinned Caribbean girl, an heir of aristocracy, or a descendant of poverty, when "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST JESUS, there is no elite class and there is no bottom dwellers!  

Why then does "the church" continue elevating "elitist" who perceive themselves to be just a bit better than others?  When there is a lower income family of a fellowship experience a loss of income, do we "minister" to them as readily as the more "influential" of our society?  Does the modern church more readily welcome a wealthy family and find ourselves being less than accommodating to a needy family?

On a personal note, one of the most fulfilling tasks I have ever experienced in my Christian walk was when a family from a fellowship I was attending experienced something no family expects to be in their Plan.  There young daughter was diagnosed with a childhood cancer and the prognosis was rather bleak.   Our small fellowship came together and raised a lot of money through various fundraising efforts to assist this family.  No, we weren't able to change the outcome, but just maybe having the resources to cope with the devastation somehow made the journey a little less tormenting. 

We are ALL in this journey of life together and we can't afford snub anyone as we pass by them on our journey.   JESUS CHRIST paid the same unbelievable price for my soul as HE did for a child molester,  and for the Rev. Billy Graham.   Don't get caught up in your bank account balance, a title you may have been given, nor a talent that GOD has granted you with.  The entire world's sins were covered by the Perfect Sacrifice on Mount Calvary, so try to remember "YOU ARE ALL ONE" in CHRIST JESUS!   

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