Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Proverbs 16:9                                     (ESV)
"The heart of man plans his way, but "THE LORD" establishes his steps."

Today many different people I know are experiencing a variety of different trials, emotions and challenges in their lives.  One friend is at the hospital witnessing the birth of a baby.  One friend is battling a life-threatening disease.  Another friend is flying back home from a vacation.  And one friend is in Heaven while his family goes to a Memorial service in his honor!

We all have issues in life that we must face.  Overcoming difficulties can be monumental for some.  It seems that those who don't perform well under terrible circumstances often wind up experiencing even more trauma.  When we LEARN to TRUST the LORD, no matter what comes our way, HE can get Glory from the very difficulties that the enemy had grief and turmoil planned (Genesis 50:20).

Our ultimate goal should be to Glorify GOD in all we do.  Scripture says in Isaiah 43:7 that "everyone who is called by my name, WHOM I CREATED FOR MY GLORY, whom I formed and made."  We are not put on this earth to create our own dynasty, or see HOW MUCH WEALTH WE CAN ACCUMULATE, or how many awards or notoriety we can muster.  We are created FOR HIS GLORY!

When my baby sister succumbed to Stomach Cancer many years ago, I was left wondering how GOD could be glorified by her terrible exit from this life?  Not to understand is a terrible feeling, but FAITH that GOD is faithful and loved her far more than I could made it possible for me to make it through it.  GOD guides us where we can Glorify HIS Name, not where we can make the most money!

JESUS was dealt the most horrible scourging and death ever known to mankind.  HE suffered this as payment for our (MY) sins and to Glorify GOD (John 17:1).  JESUS wasn't "taken" by the guards early that fateful morning outside of Jerusalem.  GOD ALMIGHTY had a Plan for HIS life to pay for the sins of ALL mankind!  Don't get upset when things don't go as YOU THINK they should.  "THE LORD" has a Plan and you may just be fulfilling that Plan!

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