Sunday, April 16, 2017


John 8:31-32                   (ESV)
"31 So JESUS said to the Jews who had believed HIM, "If you abide in MY word, you are truly MY disciples,
32 and you will "KNOW THE TRUTH", and THE TRUTH will set you free."

There is a meme going around stating that in a certain year Easter Bunny Portraits because popular in the United States.   The very next year, Child Phycologists are invented!  The TRUTH behind such accusations of blame are as old and varied as a person can imagine, but don't forget that Genesis 3:1 says that that "Now the serpent was more crafty (deceiving, manipulative, beguiling, and overall lying) than any other beast of the field that the LORD GOD had made. He said to the woman, "Did GOD actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"

There is nothing the enemy would rather do than have our focus of attention off of the TRUTH and debating whether/why one of his lies has a chance of plausibility.   Keeping our focus on anything but the TRUTH becomes a success as the TRUTH requires no confirmation of existence, only to be believed!  The TRUTH is that JESUS CHRIST came into "this world" for the explicit purpose of being offered as a ransom for my soul, and the souls of ALL mankind, so that we would have a Redemption Plan that satisfies GOD's Holiness requirements, intermingled with GOD's Love and Grace, Heavenly eternal rewards, and COMPLETENESS that could ONLY come from above and offer it to us freely and willingly.

THE TRUTH can be masked by glitz and glamor too!   There seems to be far less scrutiny for "well-dressed" than any TRUTH that is spread than SEEING the TRUTH when it isn't "well-dressed" is a gift!  When will we SLOW DOWN and SEE THE TRUTH can only become REAL to us when HE elects us to be ONE of HIS OWN?  When GOD ALMIGHTY "reveals" HIMSELF to us a humans, at least for me, it becomes a very humbling experience.  To grasp that the Creator of the Universes loved me to so much to provide Salvation ONLY HE could, it causes me to weep.

Don't accept a lie because of it being "well-dressed" and is promoted by "this world"!   When we "KNOW THE TRUTH" we are offended by anything short of THE TRUTH!  "KNOWING THE TRUTH" and KNOWING ABOUT THE TRUTH are as far apart as they can be.  Making sure that you "KNOW THE TRUTH" will save your soul from hell.  KNOWING ABOUT THE TRUTH will sentence you to eternal damnation.  The choice can be yours!!!

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