Friday, April 28, 2017


Psalms 27:14                                                 (ESV)
"WAIT FOR THE LORD"; be strong, and let your heart take courage; "WAIT FOR THE LORD"! 

This morning I had a devotional all typed up and was saving it to put onto my social media accounts and I fell asleep while transferring it!  My medicines were changed to accommodate the recent surgery and I have to get used to the changes.  When I awoke my devotional consisted of two letters!  It was from the 1st Chapter of 1st Corinthians, but I didn't remember anything else.  Frustrated, I just resolved not to post anything today.

A few minutes later someone inquired about how was I doing?  My response was, "I'm doing EXTREMELY WELL.  My biggest challenge is NOT doing too much, realizing that GOD has everything in HIS control and TRUSTING HIM with the results!"  When I finished the response, I was ashamed of myself.  Wanting to show that I was healing at a better than expected pace, I went to the office recently and tried to accomplish only two things in the 2 to 3 hours I was there!  It was an absolute failure.  Computer problems and other issues caused my anxiety to skyrocket.  When I get frustrated, I am not the most reasonable person to deal with.  

So I didn't go to the office at all yesterday.  Today, I was going in this afternoon, but I have already accomplished more on a cell phone from my recliner than I did the other day, and with NO FRUSTRATION!  When we "WAIT FOR THE LORD" we generally experience a lot less difficulties to overcome, and things go a lot smoother.  Evidently, I am so hardheaded that I don't think the rules apply to me?  When will I live out Exodus 14:14 which says "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."?

My first post-operative office visit with the Surgeon is scheduled for Wednesday next week.  It is as if GOD spoke to me this morning and said, "WAIT FOR THE LORD" or you can experience even more frustration!  Must I be hit over the head with a skillet?????

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