Thursday, April 20, 2017


2 Corinthians 5:7                (ESV)
"for we "WALK BY FAITH", not by sight."

When we are faced with unforeseen occurrences in our lives, it can literally unnerve some.   A cancer diagnosis, a heart problem, a stroke, a spouse decides they don't love you anymore, any number of happenings can cause us to wonder where GOD is and what is HE trying to accomplish in, and through us?

Not knowing what your next step will be demands that we "WALK BY FAITH", especially when it is dark and the way is unclear.   When we "WALK BY FAITH" we typically can't sprint through life like we are accustomed to.   Waiting on GOD doesn't mean just wanting something to happen to keep me at a breakneck pace, trying to out gain our competition.  "WALKING BY FAITH" demands that we BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD (Psalms 46:10)!  

When I envision a "WALK BY FAITH" I see someone in a pitch dark room with some stones on the floor to guide their way, and the person having to navigate the room with NO LIGHT!  If they miss the next stone, they risk falling in a seemingly endless fall.  JESUS is always there for us, but most of us want to have the proverbial "nightlight" burning to make sure we don't make a misstep.  I've even found myself  trying to convince me that GOD gives us "common sense" to guide and direct us through certain troubles.  When we "WALK BY FAITH" we are basically saying that "GOD, you've got this, now I'm going below and take a nap"!!!

Finally, the verse above doesn't leave a lot of room for misunderstanding.   We are commanded to "WALK BY FAITH", AND NOT BY SIGHT!!  JESUS is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD (John 8:12). Unless we allow the LIGHT OF THE WORLD to guide us in our "WALK BY FAITH", we are being led by earthly forces with no interest in growing us Spiritually.  It is really rather simple if we observe without allowing the enemy to camouflaging things.  We can "WALK BY FAITH", or we can allow a false light to guide our ship?!?!

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