Monday, January 22, 2018


Exodus 13:17-18                            (ESV)
“17 When Pharaoh let the people go, GOD did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For GOD said, "Lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt."
18 But “GOD LED” the people around by the way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. And the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle.”

Recently I wrote about Hebrew 11:6 which says “And “WITHOUT FAITH” it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and HE rewards those who seek HIM.”   The best known timetable for authorship is during the first century, probably around 63 or 64 AD.  However, it has ALWAYS been a part of GOD’s Plan for mankind to WALK BY FAITH, and not just in order for us to be obedient, but so we could display what the benefits of having FAITH really are, even during “the exodus” from Egypt!  

Imagine if you will, GOD ALMIGHTY releasing HIS chosen people from 430 years of captivity and guiding them into a Promised Land about 250 Miles away.  It would only make “sense” for GOD to choose the shortest, easiest route for HIS chosen to travel, not wander for 40 years in a wilderness where they had to rely on HIM totally for their sustenance.  Yes, GOD provided for HIS children for 40 years with mamma and water and clouds of fire and shade while they Glorified HIM by defeating enemies on their journey.  

Just because we appear to be going through our own wilderness doesn’t mean we are not being led by ALMIGHTY GOD!  Perhaps ALMIGHTY GOD is leading us through something that makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER?  Maybe you have an idea that would prove to be “more beneficial”?  Is going the shortest, easiest route on your own better than a longer, more dangerous route with GOD on your side?  

Until you have journeyed on a path being “GOD LED”, you can’t describe the peace and comfort of being EXACTLY where GOD has you.  We must be careful not to judge someone for being where “GOD LED” them to be, for learning to trust HIM in the wilderness may be worth the temporary sacrifice needed to become a tool that can be used for HIS Glory!   

I’ve often thought that if something made “sense” to a carnal person it didn’t require FAITH?  But on the other hand, if THE ONE WHO created us is wanting us to follow HIS leadership in our lives, what could make any more sense?  Having my eyes opened to SEE that I am not capable of choosing the best WAY to journey through this life is the best blessing I have ever experienced.  Becoming “GOD LED” is worth being used to prove HE IS REAL!!!

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