Thursday, January 18, 2018


Hebrews 11:6                                 (ESV)
“And “WITHOUT FAITH” it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM.”

Although I am borderline “ancient”, I do remember as a child wanting to please my mom while growing up.   Later on, I remember striving to please my grandfather, as he was the father figure in my upbringing.  Both of these people were loved dearly by me, although I didn’t tell them near enough after I was grown.   I regret not telling them, so I am pledging to do better with my current family as I mature.   

ALMIGHTY GOD should be the ONE we try to please as we live our earthly lives.  The scripture above tells us that the only way to please GOD is to trust HIM explicitly!  It is IMPOSSIBLE to not say you trust someone who you love, isn’t it?  “WITHOUT FAITH” appears to be a loaded request.   Sure, it is simple to admit there is a GOD, and that HE created this world and all that is within it!  But when you are laying on a hospital bed awaiting heart surgery where your heart is literally stopped while they work on you, it is a lot easier to SAY you have FAITH than to not be just a little scared, from my experience!  

But it is not like ALMIGHTY GOD didn’t know that heart bypass surgery just might be used in the future and HE needs to make adjustments to Scripture now!  No matter what we may face, “WITHOUT FAITH” it remains IMPOSSIBLE to please GOD.  GOD demonstrated to me that HE is in control of everything and HE doesn’t need “my help” with anything in July 2007!  I should have known that heart surgery wouldn’t be an issue after the Brain Hemorrhage?  The same GOD that was on the throne in 2007 is STILL on his throne now!  

“WITHOUT FAITH” in the same GOD that created the universes, the same GOD of my childhood, the same GOD in 2007, and the same GOD that was there for the heart surgery, HE is the ONE that will “reward we who seek HIM”!!  HE cannot be pleased “WITHOUT FAITH”!!!

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