Friday, January 26, 2018


Psalms 69:30-32
“30 I will praise the name of GOD with a song; I WILL “MAGNIFY HIM” with thanksgiving. 
31 This will PLEASE THE LORD more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs. 
32 When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek GOD, let your hearts revive.”

Have you ever observed a young child asking for what they want?  Normally they go directly to exactly what they want at the time and then, IF THEY REMEMBER, get around to saying they love their provider, whoever the provider may be.  The recent sicknesses that have affected so many people acres our country has caused the“prayer time” at church to inundate the Throne Room of GOD with requests for healing and Divine Intervention.  And rightfully so, as GOD is the Great Physician.     

However I realized while taking requests the other night that our time to “MAGNIFY HIM” was almost non-existent because of the multitude of “needs”!  It is so easy to get “caught up” with sharing hurts, illnesses, and church problems.  But Scripture tells us that to “MAGNIFY HIM” is better than an OFFERING of “an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs”.  

Sure , Scripture also says in James 5:15  “the prayer of faith shall save the sick”.  But when we fail to “MAGNIFY HIM” do we put our wishes and others needs in front of worshiping our Creator?  Or do you think we could acknowledge how good GOD is, AND THEN ask for healing for our sisters and brothers?  

Evaluating where we are and how we are doing things, AND MAKING APPROPRIATE CHANGES, is how we grow in HIM.  Maybe by prioritizing what we bring to the altar of Grace, AND WHEN WE BRING IT, we can honor HIM while we “MAGNIFY HIM”!!!

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