Friday, January 19, 2018


1 Peter 4:12-14                                           (ESV)
“12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the FIERY TRIAL WHEN it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
13 But “REJOICE” insofar as you share CHRIST's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when HIS glory is revealed.
14 If you are insulted for the name of CHRIST, you are blessed, because the SPIRIT of glory and of GOD rests upon you.”

Recently I observed a post on a social media site saying “No more winter please”!  Now I can understand that it has been cold this winter, and we all seem to enjoy spring when it comes around.  But with spring usually comes warmer weather and that usually brings thunderstorms.  Those thunderstorms can produce tornadoes that almost always bring devastation.  

Scripture instructs us to “REJOICE” when what we SEE as trials and tribulations come into our lives as JESUS CHRIST lives within us and HE WILL overcome these trials, just like HE overcame the cross!  HE was required to suffer greatly in HIS journey to the crucifixion, but HE overcame death, Hell, and the grave for my sake, and yours!  

Please take note that Scripture says WHEN fiery trials come our way, not IF they come our way!  2 Timothy 3:12 says “Indeed, ALL who desire to live a godly life in CHRIST JESUS WILL BE PERSECUTED!”  That should remove our questions about “I don’t deserve this”, and “that’s not fair”!  The last I checked PERSECUTION isn’t on the list of “fair” items to expect from your enemy?  

Yet, Scripture tells us to “REJOICE” “when” (not IF) we suffer because of CHRIST living in us?  So when you lose that job/promotion you had your heart set on, or when things seem to be constantly going against you, please know that JESUS was a perfect sacrifice for us, yet HE endured the cross all because of me!  That should cause us ALL to “REJOICE”,  no matter who we are!!!

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