Friday, January 5, 2018


2 Corinthians 5:6-9                                    (ESV)
“6 So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the LORD,
7 for we walk by faith, “NOT BY SIGHT”.
8 Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the LORD.
9 So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please HIM.”

Even though we live in “this world”, we don’t have to assimilate to its mandates and principles.  Usually because we REFUSE to BELIEVE (FAITH), we sometimes CHOOSE to abide by the rules of “this world” to attain what we can physically see, instead of the blessings GOD has available to us.  Most of the time we are moving at such a fast pace (to keep up with “this world”) that we don’t/won’t wait for THE LORD to bless us with HIS BLESSINGS!!!

However, sometimes “circumstances” dictate that we have to walk by faith, and “NOT BY SIGHT”!  It seems like the first forty six years of my life I lived by running as fast as I could as long as I had the resources to keep the train on its tracks.  But when GOD decided to make me “pause”, HE didn’t leave me any options.  I couldn’t buy/spend my way out of this condition.  I couldn’t negotiate a better outcome.  GOD placed me into a drug-induced coma for seventeen days, and I had absolutely no input into the decision making process!  

On July 29, 2007 doctors determined that it was time to bring me out of the coma.  Again, no one consulted me before the decision was made.  I was TOTALLY and COMPLETELY at the mercy of someone else!  The darkest valley of my life had been overcome and I most definitely made it “NOT BY SIGHT”!  I made it with as little contribution as I can remember ever having in my entire life.  

Have I learned anything about waiting on THE LORD since?  WALKING BY FAITH is not for the weak in SPIRIT, nor the Spiritually immature.  Most of us want to RUN BY SIGHT and hope and pray that ALMIGHTY GOD directs us down the correct path.  Scripture REQUIRES us to WALK BY FAITH, “NOT BY SIGHT” and TRUST GOD with the results!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to WALK BY FAITH, “NOT BY SIGHT” knowing that YOU could lead me to the Red Sea, but YOU will get glory over my adversary if that is what YOU choose!  Just because I can’t SEE a way out shouldn’t make a difference, because I WALK BY FAITH, “NOT BY SIGHT!!!”

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