Thursday, June 28, 2018


Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV) “1 I therefore, “A PRISONER FOR THE LORD”, URGE you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with ALL HUMILITY and GENTLENESS, with PATIENCE, BEARING with one another IN LOVE, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the SPIRIT in the bond of peace.” The Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 required some adjustments in my life. For instance, my body temperature WAS around 98.7 or 98.8 degrees. Ever since, it is commonly 95.9 to 96.4 degrees??? Adjusting to being cold natured isn’t the only thing that has been adjusted. My ability to recall exactly the precise word that I want say is still a challenge at times, and I am pretty sure that GOD was telling me that I needed to SLOW DOWN my life, especially my quick and sharp tongue!! The Apostle Paul URGES us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling! But I’m afraid that I fail to walk with ALL HUMILITY at times? Voluntarily choosing to submit to the LORD and HIS precepts is a characteristic that HE will have to instill in me, much like HE changed my body temperature. And showing “GENTLENESS, with PATIENCE, BEARING with one another IN LOVE” may be traits that I will have to work on for the rest of my life! Being GENTLE has always been a preferred way to be for me, but when you are 6’6” tall and almost 300 lbs. the challenge is REAL to not be a brute! PATIENCE??? I’ll not linger very long on this! And BEARING with one another in LOVE will most assuredly require DIVINE INTERVENTION!!! Just as I didn’t have ANY CONTROL over my body temperature following the Brain Hemorrhage, the Holy Spirit will have to “improve” my SPIRITUAL condition to be more that GOD wants me to be. I am not capable of doing anything good enough to please HIM, so HE will have to complete the changes! After all, I am “A PRISONER FOR THE LORD” and HE can do with me whatever HE chooses!!!

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