Monday, June 25, 2018


Hebrews 5:11-14                              (ESV)
“11 About this we have much to say, and it is HARD TO EXPLAIN, since you have become “DULL OF HEARING”.
12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of GOD. You need milk, not solid food,
13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.
14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of DISCERNMENT trained by constant practice to DISTINGUISH GOOD FROM EVIL.”

Our fellowship has the privilege of having a MAN OF GOD visiting us this week sharing with us about the false teachers and heresy that has become rampant, mainly via television ministries, which require no accountability and offers no mentoring for immature Believers.  The writer of Hebrews says there is “much to say, and it is HARD TO EXPLAIN” because the people he is writing to have become “DULL OF HEARING”, in other words, they have not matured in the WORD.  

Spiritual maturity and DISCERNMENT seem to go hand in hand.  When someone goes through trials and tribulations, they can learn from the hard times some things they can not be taught in a classroom.  Being “exposed to” certain hardships causes an appreciation that others can only wonder about, because they have not been through those same learning experiences.  But becoming this “DULL OF HEARING” spoken about in the Scriptures above resulted from not “searching the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:20) and relying on what man has taught to be truth rather than what GOD has said in HIS WORD is TRUTH!  

The WORD of GOD has been given to us all so we can learn more about GOD and HIS ways.  If we have become “DULL OF HEARING”, do you think that we may not be wanting to hear from HIM?  We can’t digest the MEAT of GOD’s WORD if we aren’t interested in becoming Spiritually mature, so we have to be fed milk, like little babies!   Admitting that I am not as Spiritually mature as I should be is a humbling, and rather embarrassing thing!  A fact that I am ashamed to admit is that I am as old as I am and I am not the Spiritually mature person that I should be.  

My Spiritual Hearing is still being “tuned in” to the SPIRIT OF GOD.  DISCERNING the TRUTH from HEARING the lies the enemy tells is something that I pray that I exhibit more and more in my life.  Recognizing that we might be “DULL OF HEARING”, not DISCERNING what the SPIRIT of GOD is saying to us, should always be a concern.  Seeking to be led by GOD, and to be used by HIS SPIRIT, means that we mustn’t become “DULL OF HEARING”, rather pursuing what GOD desires for our lives!  

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