Thursday, June 14, 2018


Psalms 119:10-13                         (KJV)
“10 With my whole heart have I sought THEE: O let me not wander from THY commandments. 11 “THY WORD” have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against THEE. 12 Blessed art THOU, O LORD: teach me THY statutes. 13 With my lips have I declared all the judgments of THY mouth.”

When I was a child I was sent to Vacation Bible School at the local church.  One of the Bible memory verses we were assigned was Psalms 119:11.  Hiding “THY WORD” in my heart has certainly not come easy to me, and since it was more difficult, I didn’t practice it as much as I should have in my formative years.  

ALMIGHTY GOD has an innate ability to reveal HIS character, exactly WHO HE is, through “THY WORD”.  HE has guided and directed my life to where I have experienced the lows of “self-reliance”, and at the same time displayed AMAZING GRACE over me keeping me alive!  Not following “THY WORD” at times has been a invaluable experience, but evidently not enough to cause me to “not stray” from its HOLY path, for I never seem to learn.  

2 Timothy 3:16-17 states “All scripture is given by INSPIRATION of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION in RIGHTEOUSNESS: That the MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, throughly furnished unto all good works.”  “THY WORD” Is intended to mold and make us into tools that will be used for HIS purpose, on HIS timeline.  HE brings scripture to memory YEARS down the road, like HE is currently doing with Psalms 119:11!  

We ALL have the option of having the CREATOR of the universes to be our guide in life.  We must have a desire to follow HIM WITH OUR WHOLE HEART (Matthew 22:37) in order to be set apart from others.  Do you have a desire to be different, to be set apart?  in John 6:65 JESUS says “Therefore said I unto you, that NO MAN can come unto ME, except it were given unto him of MY FATHER.”  When we have been CALLED by HIM, we have to listen to “THY WORD” and be led by HIM!  Who are we to argue with THE CREATOR?  

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