Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Psalms 23:1                             (ESV)
“The LORD is my Shepherd; “I SHALL NOT WANT”.”

As I was driving to work recently, my mind seemingly was set on the words “I SHALL NOT WANT!”  Of course my mind almost automatically went to Psalms 23:1.   The word “The LORD is my Shepherd” seems to always go before “I SHALL NOT WANT” for me.  But why?  Is it because I have recited this verse since I was in Bible School as a child, or have I sincerely developed a dependence upon ALMIGHTY GOD that requires me to say “I SHALL NOT WANT”?  

To fully understand that the ONE WHO actually spoke these vast universes into existence actually lives inside my heart is something that I can’t completely grasp.  As I mature both physically and Spiritually, I put away CHILDISH THINGS and leave behind those characteristics that define me as a babe in CHRIST.  JESUS now lives inside of me (John 17:23), like HE does for ALL who Believe on HIM, and I need to accept that HE is guiding and directing my life.  HE does so NOT because I am better than others (John 17:6-10), but ALMIGHTY GOD has “chosen” me to come out of “the darkness” leading me “into HIS marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)!  

The truly indescribable and unexplainable thing is WHY HE chose me, of ALL people, to live inside of when I am SO UNWORTHY?  There are vessels that are much less defective than I am, and certainly more worthy than I exhibit, yet GOD chose me to serve HIM???  How could I come before HIM desiring to be something other than that which HE designed me to be?  

And why should I come before the CREATOR and try to explain why I WANT things when I am supposed to be “walking by FAITH”?  “I SHALL NOT WANT” because GOD is leading, guiding and directing me through “this world” to Glorify HIM and exalt HIS Name!  THE CREATOR of the universes CHOSE me to proclaim “I SHALL NOT WANT”!!!  

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