Monday, June 4, 2018


James 2:18-20                              (ESV)
“18 But someone will say, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your FAITH apart from your works, and I will show you my FAITH by my works.
19 You believe that GOD is ONE; you do well. EVEN THE DEMONS-AND SHUDDER!
20 Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that “FAITH APART FROM WORKS” is useless?”

Recently, during a discussion with a colleague of mine, the point was brought up about BELIEVING, about how those who have actually experienced certain “things” live their lives in a different manner than those who only know “about” them.  Living the lives we have been assigned can sometimes be challenging.  Sure, being born into a wealthy family would be a preference for most people, but being born to a poverty stricken family in a “third-world” country is also a possibility, a possibility that we seldom consider?  GOD is all about gaining glory for HIMSELF, not glorifying us!!!

Having FAITH that our future will bring desired results is one of the most important things a person can have.  There is a phrase on my prayer list that says “Do you want to live a life without hope?”  We ALL have a HOPE that things will turn out “the way we want them to”!  When the children of Israel were leaving Egyptian captivity, they “plundered” (Exodus 12:36) the Egyptians, taking valuables from them.  The Israelites were headed for the Promised Land, but GOD had yet to be Glorified appropriately.  And, a few short days later, the Israelites were in a “tight spot” on the banks of the Red Sea with the Egyptians rapidly approaching, and they were “doubting GOD”!  

How many times do we have to experience similar “fear and doubt”, and be delivered, before we grow up to have FAITH?  How many “valleys of the shadow of death” do we have to traverse before we KNOW that HE WILL BRING US THROUGH, or HE will bring us HOME?  Isaiah 43:2 says the flames may get hot, but we will not be consumed.  Since GOD has told us HE will never leave us or forsake us, why do we cry on the banks of our Red Sea?  

In Exodus 14:4 GOD says “I WILL GET GLORY OVER PHARAOH AND ALL HIS HOSTS”, and HE did!  My life should not be an attempt to gain as much wealth as I possibly can, rather I should do everything I can to Glorify HIM!  By demonstrating that “FAITH APART FROM WORKS” is useless, we are proclaiming that we are trusting HIM to Glorify HIMSELF.  HE WILL deliver, all we have to do is be silent (Exodus 14:14)!  

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