Thursday, June 7, 2018


Mark 11:22                                (ESV)
“And JESUS answered them, "HAVE FAITH IN GOD”.”

There aren’t many times that I expound on a single verse of Scripture.  However, today will be an exception.  Are you looking for answers for something?  Many of you have seen me previously write that former President Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying, “Within the covers of the BIBLE are the answers for all the problems men face.” Most of us understand that the BIBLE is GOD’s owners manual for all of mankind.   Sine HE Created us and knows exactly what and how we were made, HE alone has the answers for our health concerns, our financial concerns, our relationship concerns, and any other concerns we have, or think we have!

Could you please explain why mankind continues to look elsewhere for the “answers for all of the problems men face”, instead of looking to The Creator?  It is obvious that we don’t TRULY believe that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control of our everything, or we would live our lives in an entirely different manner.  We “worry” about our retirement plans, yet we have no assurance that we will live through the remainder of the day we have been blessed with.  We “worry” about our offspring having the things they need to succeed in life, but unless ALMIGHTY GOD is drawing them, they will wander in the wilderness of life with NO HOPE of an eternity with GOD.  

The HOLY BIBLE “IS” GOD’s revelation of HIMSELF to us, and we should honor and respect HIM so much that we follow HIS instructions for our lives.  Yet, I fail multiple times daily to reflect HIS Love to a lost and dying world.  If I spent more time in HIS WORD, perhaps I would live my life in a more reverent mode.  Genesis 1:3 says “And GOD said....”, and IT WAS!  Perhaps if I “HAVE FAITH IN GOD”, the ONE WHO spoke these worlds into existence, I would have more “answers for all of the problems men face”?  

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