Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Isaiah 42:5-8                             (ESV)
“5 Thus says GOD, the LORD, WHO created the heavens and stretched them out, WHO spread out the earth and what comes from it, WHO gives “BREATH TO THE PEOPLE” on it and Spirit to those who walk in it: 
6 "I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I WILL TAKE YOU BY THE HAND and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, 
7 to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. 
8 I am the LORD; that is MY name; MY glory I give to no other, nor MY praise to carved idols.”

Should mankind ever truly grasp how magnificent and complete ALMIGHTY GOD is, our prayer time would forever be changed!  Instead we treat GOD as some “deified” ATM WHO is there to provide withdrawals whenever we request them.  When we aren’t allowed to “withdraw” at our pleasure, we want to know what we did wrong to bring HIS displeasure upon us?

Our enemies would consume so much less of our thoughts, as GOD is in control of ALL things and HIS memory works A LOT better than mine!  But that same memory works when HE looks at me, as well!  EXCEPT FOR THE BLOOD OF JESUS COVERS MY SINS, and the devil doesn’t want to get near the BLOOD OF JESUS!  John 10:27-28 says “MY sheep hear MY voice, and I know them, and they follow ME.
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and NO ONE WILL SNATCH THEM OUT OF MY HAND”.  

Our HEAVENLY FATHER is intricately involved in our earthly lives as well, more so possibly than even the greatest theologian realizes.  HE is there to guide and direct our lives, even when we fail to acknowledge HIS presence.  Never have I been so humbled and moved as when my wife found the letter I wrote for a friend who worked for a local hospital in August 2002 supporting a Neurologist transferring to our city.   On July 09, 2007 (almost five years later) that Neurologist was used to save my life as a Brain Hemorrhage wreaked havoc in my life.  The letter I wrote supporting his VISA transfer was found in 2009, seven years after it was written and two years after the doctor helped me!  When I was able to SEE the Hand of GOD working in my life through my own actions, I cried profusely, and the doctor teared up as well!  

ALMIGHTY GOD may not display HIS SOVEREIGNTY in others lives the way HE has in my life, but HE is just as involved as HE gives “BREATH TO THE PEOPLE”!  GOD decided that I was worth a few more breaths in 2007, and again in 2017, and I am humbled by that beyond mortal expressions!  That the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES would give “BREATH TO THE PEOPLE”, especially me, after I have failed HIM so greatly, is love beyond measure!  I AM BLESSED!!!

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