Monday, July 9, 2018


Eleven years ago TODAY I awoke at 5:30AM to go to the restroom.   Low and behold, my legs  would not carry me, so I ABRUPTLY introduced myself to the bedroom floor!  Without boring people with the gory details, necessity caused me to take a two year hiatus from work, and allowed me the opportunity to SLOW my life DOWN and properly evaluate why GOD elected to allow me to remain on earth.  

My life has changed rather dramatically since.  This morning my blood pressure is 121/83, and that is before I take my morning medicines.  Of course, priorities have most definitely been adjusted with ALMIGHTY GOD being elevated to HIS rightful Throne!  Formerly, I would say that HE was LORD of my life, but very often I was living my life at such a pace that I didn’t have time to defer to HIS SPIRIT leading me.  Operating “in the fast lane” is no longer an option, as my critical thinking skills won’t allow me to burn both ends of the candle.  

Sure, I am the same person that I was before July 09, 2007, but I am taking time for the LORD to lead me in the paths HE desires for me to go.   Psalms 27:14 (KJV) says “WAIT ON THE LORD: be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen thine heart: WAIT, I SAY, ON THE LORD.”  

My prayer is that I will never again be caught up in the vortex that “this world” attempts to suck us into!  PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t allow yourself to be drawn into a similar situation.   “WAIT ON THE LORD”!!!!

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