Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Joshua 1:8-9                       (ESV)
“8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE on it “DAY AND NIGHT”, so that you may BE CAREFUL TO DO according to ALL that IS WRITTEN in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go."”

My children are out of college and both have degrees and jobs that are drawing far better salaries than their dad ever made!  To say how proud I am of them would be one of the greatest understatements ever made.  Their mother and I stressed getting a good education, maybe too much at times, because we wanted them to become successful as they matured into adulthood.  

One thing I wish that I would have tried to instill more BY EXAMPLE was to study Scripture more fervently.  Remembering back, I’m not sure that I was witnessed by them searching the Scriptures for answers to the problems life threw at me as much as I wish I had been.  Learning from instruction does not carry the same weightiness as learning by example.  When you see someone scouring Scriptures “DAY AND NIGHT”, it let’s them know where your HOPE lies!  

Keep in mind, we wanted our children to become “successful” in their chosen careers.  Joshua 1:8 says “THIS Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE on it “DAY AND NIGHT”, so that you may BE CAREFUL TO DO according to ALL that IS WRITTEN in it. FOR THEN you will make your way PROSPEROUS, and THEN YOU WILL HAVE GOOD SUCCESS.”  What better way can you think of to become “successful” than to have ALMIGHTY GOD guiding your path?  Why do parents these days not instruct their children to memorize Joshua 1:8?  Why not SEE if GOD will honor HIS Word?  

As I am approaching my 58th birthday, and I am probably on the backside of my life, I am left to wonder how little I have put GOD’s Word to the test?  How often have I been in HIS Word “DAY AND NIGHT”?  How much better of a Husband and Dad could I have become had I sought HIS guidance instead of doing what “I thought” was best for my family?  I am finding out that it doesn’t matter what we THINK is the best thing, it matters what GOD says is best!  May we all stay in HIS Word “DAY AND NIGHT” so HIS WORD will be a ready response through our actions!!!

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