Sunday, July 29, 2018


Proverbs 16:9                                (ESV)
“The heart of “MAN PLANS HIS WAY”, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

Today is Sunday, July 29.  Eleven years ago today was my mom’s 77th birthday; which would turn out to be her final one on this earth.  AND, it was the day I was brought out of a seventeen day coma after my brain had hemorrhaged about three weeks prior.  The hemorrhage was caused by a sleep disorder, so there were no warning signs whatsoever.   When I awoke at 5:30AM, my legs wouldn’t carry me, so I was abruptly reintroduced to my bedroom floor.  Since then, I have a new appreciation of just how much GOD is in control, and we ARE NOT!

The PLANS that I had for the future on July 09, 2007 were things I felt I was being led to by the LORD.  However, ALMIGHTY GOD established STEPS for me over the next few years that I could have NEVER dreamed, but that I am SO THANKFUL for!  The PLANS involved beginning a Non-Profit dedicated to underprivileged children who were not receiving the guidance from home required for them to be successful.   However, the STEPS the LORD was establishing didn’t involve the same things as MY PLANS!  

Typically “MAN PLANS HIS WAY” in a method that offers the least difficulties and trials.  Overcoming a Brain Hemorrhage was certainly not something that I would have listed on my proverbial “bucket list”!  Going back to work in just under 24 months seemed as though I was avoiding catastrophe.  SEEing how blessed I was just to be alive is something that I still don’t think I appreciate enough.   But understanding the LORD has established my steps gives me comfort in knowing HE will never leave me, nor forsake me!  

When this “MAN PLANS HIS WAYS” from now on I will seek HIS guidance first and allow HIM to establish my steps!  My PLANS cannot allow unforeseen circumstances, but GOD knows what is best for me, and to draw HIM honor and glory.  The PLANS HE has for me far exceed anything that I have, so I am content with living for HIM!!!

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