Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Psalms 150:1-6                                   (ESV)
“1 Praise the LORD! Praise GOD in HIS sanctuary; praise HIM in HIS mighty heavens! 
2 Praise HIM for HIS mighty deeds; praise HIM according to HIS excellent greatness! 
3 Praise HIM with trumpet sound; praise HIM with lute and harp! 
4 Praise HIM with tambourine and dance; praise HIM with strings and pipe! 
5 Praise HIM with sounding cymbals; praise HIM with loud clashing cymbals! 
6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! “PRAISE THE LORD!””

As I was reviewing photos of my grandchildren recently on the MEMORIES page on a social media site, my mind was caused to ponder?   I love my grandchildren more than life itself, and I am very BOLD about sharing their photos whenever I have the opportunity.   Their parents (my children and their spouses) are special to me, but those babies are simply a DELIGHT!!!

Do you imagine that that if GOD ALMIGHTY had a social media account that HE would be as crazy about HIS “babies” as I am about my grandkids???  What do you give GOD credit for in your daily lives?  Do you realize that GOD loves us SO much, HE sent HIS only SON for the explicit purpose to be sacrificed for the sins of mankind and to purchase our redemption on Calvary?  And we want to stay home from worshipping HIM when the speaker isn’t one we prefer, or the air conditioner is too cold, or not cool enough, or the sound system doesn’t suit our taste, or any other menial item that we use as an excuse to NOT Worship the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS?  

Yes, ALMIGHTY GOD paid an unimaginable price for mine and your salvation.   HE thinks so much of us that HE sacrificed HIS SON for our transgressions.  Although I love my children and grandchildren more than I know how to describe, GOD loves me more!  HIS SON was a sinless, spotless Lamb WHO “everything that has breath” should declare “PRAISE THE LORD!!!”

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