Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Ecclesiastes 5:1-3                              (ESV)
“1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of GOD. To DRAW NEAR TO LISTEN is BETTER THAN to offer the SACRIFICE of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.
2 Be NOT rash with your mouth, NOR LET YOUR HEART BE HASTY to utter a word before GOD, for GOD is in Heaven and you are on earth. Therefore “LET YOUR WORDS BE FEW”.
3 For a dream comes with much business, and a FOOL's VOICE with MANY WORDS.”

Have you ever been classified as a know-it-all?  Whether justly or unjustly, the cost of dealing with a “loose tongue” may be more than was realized when the HASTY HEART was expressing itself?  In my younger years, I was assuredly a man with MANY WORDS, and most of the time those WORDS weren’t bathed in prayer!  As I have matured I have been taught by the HOLY SPIRIT that I need to “LET YOUR WORDS BE FEW” and let GOD ALMIGHTY work on the hearts of others, for only HE can change a heart!

Identifying a HASTY HEART can be an easy thing to accomplish.  Being “rash with your mouth” is a sure sign of someone who isn’t putting tremendous thought into what they are saying.   Raising an objection is one thing, but arguing a point is a totally different.  Trying to prove a point just to prove your point of view is the best option might display a haughtiness that can appear as though you have all the answers!  GOD alone is the only ONE WHO has all the answers!  

DRAWING NEAR TO LISTEN, on the other hand, is a sign of somebody looking for a solution, someone who maybe wanting to seek a Biblical solution to an issue?  LISTENing to others can be a Blessing.  GOD has used others, even unbelievers, to deliver Wisdom to me when I was searching for HIS direction.  GOD even spoke through a donkey in Numbers 22!  When THE ALMIGHTY is speaking, I need to be LISTENing!!

It has been said that it is difficult learn anything when our mouth is moving!  LEARNING to DRAW NEAR TO LISTEN is the first step when it comes to “LET YOUR WORDS BE FEW”!  Having the answer that people heed is one thing, but giving the answer that people NEED is a worthy option.   “LET YOUR WORDS BE FEW” until you have heard from above is what I want to do with this life I have left!!!

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