Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Isaiah 55:8-9
“8 For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD. 
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are “MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS” and MY thoughts than your thoughts.”

“LORD, whatever YOU are baking outside, it’s done!”  This was posted on a social media site recently because of the hotter than normal temperatures in our area.  In the part of the country I’m currently in, the temperature was 105 degrees a few days ago, and that was before adding the Heat Index into account!  There is no doubt that it is “uncomfortable”, to say the least!  

Although I understand that people regularly share things in jest, and they don’t consider that GOD ALMIGHTY SEES ALL of their activity, can you imagine getting to Heaven one day and explaining to our CREATOR how you were just attempting to make a joke about HE was “running things”?  We, in our limited, finite minds, are trying to express to a HOLY, HOLY, HOLY BEING how much better “we know” HIS CREATION than HE does?  It kind of makes me ashamed when I look at it from this angle.   

In 1996 I was 36 years old and rather confident in my abilities (putting it mildly!) when my younger sister was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer in late October.  For almost two months straight I beseeched the LORD to heal her body and restore her health.  The day after Christmas 1996 she slipped into eternity, and I was wondering what o did wrong that GOD didn’t answer my requests to heal her.  It has only been within the past few years that I have realized that HE DID HEAL her, and she has been where we all are hoping to get to, around the THRONE OF GOD!  

To finally “get it” that I am NOT “all of that and a box of chocolates” is something that is rather liberating.  To understand that GOD is in control, AND I AM NOT, makes this journey so much easier than me trying MAKE it happen!  Although today might be a little warmer than some days, we must remember that so are  “MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS”!  Remember, we aren’t GOD and HE didn’t request our help running the universes!  

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