Monday, July 9, 2018


Hebrews 10:8-10 (ESV) “8 When HE (JESUS) said above, "YOU (GOD) have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings" (these are offered according to the law), 9 then HE added, "Behold, I have come to do YOUR (GOD’s) will." HE does away with the first in order to establish the second. 10 And by that will we (Believers) have been sanctified (made HOLY ) through the offering of the body of JESUS CHRIST once “FOR ALL”.” From time to time, I type memos to myself so that I can remind myself of what GOD is speaking to me at a particular time. Recently I had occasion to do so during video my fellowship is watching on Sunday evenings entitled “BEHOLD YOUR GOD”! While pondering the great sacrifice JESUS paid out of LOVE for me, I jotted these words:: JESUS CHRIST died “FOR ALL” of mankind knowing that the majority of people would refuse to serve HIM, would reject HIS free pardon for sin,,and elect to spend an eternity suffering GOD’s wrath for their sin, when JESUS had already paid the sin debt for them. How can a HOLY GOD “call” a person and they reject Him??? (Are they) Too busy???? (Are they) Too wealthy??? While trying to grasp why the crucifixion had to be so brutal and inhumane, I finally saw that GOD ALMIGHTY had to have a sacrifice “FOR ALL” the sins, from Adam to the last sinner, before JESUS judges the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1). Can you fathom “such a loving GOD” declaring “depart, I never knew you”, and sentencing those who rejected HIM to an eternity in torment? The was recently a post shared on a social media site that says “GOD is not WHO you think HE is. HE is what HE says HE is”!!! The WORD of GOD is rather explicit about what the outcome for our choices will one day be. It matters not what “you think”, it only matters what GOD says will transpire!!! Scripture says what will happen “FOR ALL”. Where will you spend eternity???

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