Friday, November 9, 2018


Romans 12:9-10                      (ESV)
“9 Let love be genuine. “ABHOR WHAT IS EVIL”; hold fast to what is good.
10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

Doesn’t GOD amaze you with the way HE orchestrates our lives to grow us into vessels that ultimately draws honor and glory to HIS Name!  When I was growing up my family lived next door to my grandparents.  My grandfather was a huge role model for me my entire life.  We were always taught that personal responsibility was a key to a being a success. However, voting for candidates was always for a particular POLITICAL PARTY, not for the candidates, was the practice for the most part.  A political PLATFORM was never discussed.  Nobody ever DREAMED OF supporting anyone who didn’t BELIEVE IN, and LIVE FOR, the HOLY BIBLE! It just wasn’t debatable back then,

There is a debate going on about “who” is to “blame” for current status of our nation.  The Scripture above says we should “ABHOR WHAT IS EVIL”, not abhor WHO is evil!  In the dictionary the word ABHOR has synonyms including “detest, HATE, loathe, despise, execrate”.  It seems that because “the enemy” uses people to do his handiwork that we assume it is okay to HATE the person, when we should be hating their actions.  Imagine, if you will, the Apostle Paul denouncing anyone who persecuted Believers in his day?  And then recall what Saul was doing when he was CHOSEN by JESUS!  

The current the POLITICAL climate has deteriorated to such depths that no POLITICAL PARTY is void of corruption and greed.  BUT, we cannot ASSUME that all members of a POLITICAL PARTY are GOOD or BAD.  2 Corinthians 5:16 says that we should “...know NO MAN after the flesh...”!  We are ALL sinners, only some of us have been CHOSEN (John 15:16) while others have not been chosen YET!  They may be used one day as a tool by JESUS, like Saul was?

Developing a HATE is something that it very “natural” to do.  “The enemy”:will try to help us “justify” our HATE.  On September 11, 2001 it became very easy to HATE a group of a certain “religious” people.  On July 09, 2007 a member of that same “religion” was used by GOD ALMIGHTY in saving my life!  My brain doctor is definitely NOT the same as the terrorists.  But my “eyes had to be opened” to SEE that!  When we “ABHOR WHAT IS EVIL” we mustn’t ABHOR the person, but “the enemy” behind that person’s actions.  Even Peter was told by JESUS in Matthew 16:23 “..Get behind me, Satan”!  We are ALL imperfect.  We ALL sin.  Be careful to DEFINITELY “ABHOR WHAT IS EVIL”, but without HATE developing for the people being used to perpetuate the evil.

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