Friday, November 2, 2018


Isaiah 14:26-27                                 (ESV)
“26 This is the purpose that is purposed concerning the whole earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations. 
27 For the LORD of hosts HAS PURPOSED, and WHO WILL ANNUL IT? “HIS HAND” is stretched out, and WHO WILL TURN IT BACK?”

There was a meme this morning that caused me to pause and consider the implications of it.  It said “All the forces of darkness cannot stop what GOD has ordained.  Isaiah 46:27”!  Not even my disobedience, nor my sinfulness, nor any other of my imperfections can derail what GOD has planned for “HIS HAND” to accomplish.  

HE has displayed to me that I am not powerful enough, nor smart enough, to even go to the toilet on my own volition.  Why do I think that I can ANNUL HIS Plan for my life?  The best I can hope for is to follow HIS Word and allow”HIS HAND” to guide me in the paths HE has ordained!!!

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