Thursday, November 29, 2018


John 11:32-37                              (ESV)
"32 Now when Mary came to where JESUS was and saw HIM, she fell at HIS feet, saying to HIM, "LORD, if YOU had been here, my brother would not have died."
33 When JESUS saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, HE was deeply moved in HIS spirit and greatly troubled.
34 And HE said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to HIM, "LORD, come and see."
36 So the Jews said, "See how HE loved him!"
37 But some of them said, "Could not HE who opened the eyes of the blind man also have kept this man from dying?""

The phrase "I know just how you feel" is one that I am slowly learning not to use.   Many can say that when their mother left this world that they grieved immensely.  For me, when my mom exited her earthly abode, I rejoiced for she was free from the shackles that can come with physical restraints. When my little sister graduated into Glory, grief and sorrow were flooding my emotions.  Sure, I was 22 years older when my mom died, but the experience of my little sister leaving this world had prepared me a little for the exodus of my mom.  With that being said, we all travel a path that is unique to only us, and we need to realize that! We can’t say that we know how someone feels when we haven’t experienced the exact same history they have.  

Now THE JEWS, who seemingly always had an opinion about everything even though it was flawed a lot of the time said, "See how HE loved him" speaking of which Lazarus, the deceased.  They weren’t familiar with JESUS or Lazarus to know just how HE felt.  Although there is no exact known cause for JESUS WEEPING, knowing that Lazarus was 'absent from body' should indicate that he was in Heaven, wouldn't it?  Why would JESUS cause Lazarus to come back to earth just to satisfy Mary and Martha, and the remainder of Lazarus' family?  The answer can be found in verse 40 of John 11.  There JESUS says "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would SEE THE GLORY OF GOD?"  

JESUS could have WEEPING because HE was seeing what was before HIM on the cross?  JESUS could have been saddened that the FAITH that GOD could raise Lazarus was not being manifested?  JESUS could have been moved by the grief of people HE loved being grieved by the death of Lazarus?  What we do know for certain is that Lazarus eventually physically died and is now in Heaven.  Exactly why "JESUS WEPT" will be answered for ALL who have need to inquire one day when we get to Heaven.  Personally, I believe being in Heaven will be enough for me, to be able to see my JESUS and worship HIM FOREVER!!!

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