Wednesday, November 14, 2018


John 14:25-27                             (ESV)
"25 "These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you.
26 But THE HELPER, the HOLY SPIRIT, whom the FATHER will send in MY name, HE will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
27 PEACE I leave with you; "MY PEACE" I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. LET NOT YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED, neither let them be afraid."

JESUS was trying to prepare HIS disciples for the Spiritual Warfare that they would experience when HE was physically departed from "this world".  It is remarkable that HE didn't prepare the disciples for "health, wealth, and prosperity" like is taught by several modern day speakers hiding behind a pulpit.  Getting through the easy times in our lives will not drive a person to their knees nearly as rapidly as "the valley of the shadow of death" might!  

My personal experience tells me death can be a shock for some, and a blessing for others!  My younger sister was only 34 years and three days old when she departed from "this world".  Although her body was riddled with cancer and she was ready to go, I still needed "MY PEACE" to get me through the separation.  When my dear friend departed at age 35 suddenly while exercising, once again I required "MY PEACE" from above to sustain me.  

Very few preachers want to speak candidly about death in any sense, probably because it reminds us of our frailty.  But JESUS gave us HIS GIFT, the HOLY SPIRIT, to get us through the difficult times.  HE knew that HE would only be here for a brief time, so HE gave us "MY PEACE" through the HOLY SPIRIT to be our Comforter when we need Comforting, PEACE when the storms are battering our ship, and CALM when "the enemy" tries to rattle our cage.  

"LET NOT YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED...." is a command, not a suggestion.  In John 16:33 JESUS said "I have said these things to you, that in me YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. In the world YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION. But take heart; I have overcome the world."  HE did not say that HE would provide smooth sailing, but that HE would give "MY PEACE" to we who are HIS!!!

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