Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Psalms 46:10                                    (NASB)
“”CEASE STRIVING” and know that I AM GOD; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Most are well aware that GOD has given me a nonprofit organization named Psalms 46:10 Ministries, Inc.  The Scripture and name was placed on my heart one day while reading Scripture following the Brain Hemorrhage.  Being placed in a coma for 17 days MADE me “BE STILL”, without any input or interruptions.......from me!  

A friend recently went through a life threatening medical issue involving the Brain.  Now they are saying that they are having issues with getting their sleep patterns re-established.  That got my mind to thinking.  The NASB version of the Bible is used by many, including my pastor, and I recalled seeing the words “CEASE STRIVING” where  the KJV, ESV, and many others use “BE STILL”.  Many times I want to figure things out all on my own, without seeking guidance from above.  

So I went to a comparison of many different versions of the Bible and found some interesting observations.  “STOP YOUR FIGHTING”, “BE IN AWE”, and “CALM DOWN” are a few of the versions of Psalms 46:10 listed.  My mind then went to a quote from a book studied at the fellowship I attend that says, “GOD, however, never invited me to be co-god with HIM”.  

So many times I am guilty of trying to figure things out on my own, never inquiring what ALMIGHTY GOD would have me doing?  Perhaps I just need to understand that I need to “BE STILL”, “CEASE STRIVING”, or quit trying to be co-god with HIM and TRUST the results to a power much higher than I?  Isaiah 55:8-9 says HIS ways are higher than my ways, so I don’t have the ability to make decisions like HIM.  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to be like John who said in John 3:30 “HE must increase, but I must decrease."  My prayer is that I will “CEASE STRIVING” to figure things out on my own and to TRUST IN GOD!!!

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