Saturday, July 20, 2019


John 2:23-25                                                             (ESV)
“23 Now when HE was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in HIS name when they saw the signs that HE was doing.
24 But JESUS on HIS part did not entrust HIMSELF to them, because “HE KNEW ALL PEOPLE”
25 and needed no one to bear witness about man, for HE HIMSELF knew what was in man.”

Noticing a news story about a woman with autism who graduated from college with a law degree recently made me proud.  Our country has become so compartmentalized that we tend to LABEL EVERYONE, whether deserving or not, by some exterior traits or how we think they should be acting.  

NEWS FLASH!  All fat people are not gluttons.  All skinny people are not weight watchers.  All while people aren’t bigots.  All black people aren’t thugs.  All wealthy people aren’t snobs.  All poor people aren’t beggars.  We can’t put people in a box and expect to see CHRIST in them.  The Apostle Paul is a wonderful example of how GOD can transform a life for HIS Glory.  In Acts 9:1 he was breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the LORD, but by verse 20 of the same chapter “..he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "HE is the SON of GOD."  Who would Believe it had they not see it!  

GOD is NOT limited by the thought and inclinations of human minds, no matter how wise or righteous they think they are.  “HE KNEW ALL PEOPLE” means that HE was/is extremely aware of the THOUGHTS and INTENTIONS of the heart (Hebrews 4:12) and we cannot disguise them nor deceive HIM.  

A persecutor can become an advocate for TRUTH.  An autistic child can become an attorney.  A college dropout can become one of the wealthiest men on the planet.  GOD’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and we cannot figure HIM out!  What we can do is have FAITH IN HIM, for “HE KNEW ALL PEOPLE” and HE HAS A PLAN for us all!  

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