Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Romans 12:9-13                                    (ESV)
“9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honor.
11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the LORD.
13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”

Why do I seem to always think that my answers are the best solution for my problems?  Not knowing what to do or when to do it can be very confusing.  We THINK the world is going to stop due to our decisions or indecision, but will it?  While it is true that our choices can affect others lives, GOD is in Control and we aren’t powerful enough to overcome HIS Will and Purpose.  

Most of us claim that we have FAITH.  But do we exhibit FAITH when things take longer to be revealed to us than we think they should?  Do I REST IN THE LORD, or do I jump to do something, ANYTHING, to show that I am “working for the Kingdom”?  We have allowed society and “this world” to determine our calendars, to operate on the devils pace while being a soldier of THE MOST HIGH GOD’s army!  IF WE TRUST GOD, WE HAVE TO TRUST HIS TIMING!!!

To be anything less than “PATIENT IN TRIBULATION” is proclaiming that GOD may have our future figured out, but we have to take care of when we want HIS BLESSINGS!?!  Romans 5:3 says “Not only that, BUT WE REJOICE IN OUR SUFFERINGS, KNOWING THAT SUFFERING PRODUCES ENDURANCE...”.  The word PRODUCES reminds me of growing a crop.  You can plant the seed hurriedly, water and cultivate the planted seed, but ONLY GOD determines the PRODUCE that will come from your labors (1 Corinthians 3:7)!  

Whether we admit it or not, we all were born with a desire to be god of AT LEAST our own lives.  But being “PATIENT IN TRIBULATION” is a sure fire way to demonstrate our FAITH, our total TRUST IN GOD!  If HE is GOD, then why do I think I can help HIM with HIS TIMING???  I am STILL learning to be “PATIENT IN TRIBULATION!!!” 

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