Thursday, July 18, 2019


James 1:2-4                                            (ESV)
“2 Count it all joy, MY BROTHERS, when you meet trials of various kinds,
3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be “PERFECT AND COMPLETE”, lacking in nothing.”

Looking back over my life there are times when I can now SEE that I was experiencing a tremendous teaching moment during a trial or tribulation.  The tough times in life were simply periods of growing that occasionally were valleys of instruction that usually uncomfortable, maybe even painful!  Observing from where I am currently, I am able to SEE that the greatest difficulties were when I was trying to do things ON MY OWN with no DIVINE leadership.  

Walking in the dark can be painful.  We can stub our toe on unseen obstacles, bump into things that are in plain sight when walking in THE LIGHT, or get into some of the more dangerous times in our lives!  But when we WALK IN THE LIGHT, the pitfalls of life are sometimes able to be avoided.  Not experiencing those “teaching moments” is something we generally try to steer clear of, but whenever we are grimacing from that broken toe is is usually not the time to learn the lesson, it is a time to cry!

One day SOON we who BELIEVE will be “PERFECT AND COMPLETE”, LACKING IN NOTHING!  At least some of us!  Those who aren’t BROTHERS in the DARKNESS of “this world” will be relinquished to their judgement, forever !  Alerting them to their future destiny is an act of love, because they are headed to DEATH, and we have the answer to prevent it, IF THEY WILL LISTEN.  

As far as they can see, everything is fine in their lives, but very soon their EYES will be opened and they will realize the error of their ways.  They won’t be able to run from GOD any longer!  Their dependence on their intellect and what feels right will prove to be fatal.  What was thought to be the foolish notion that a god will judge as ALL will be glaringly TRUTH as they are found lacking, and we are found “PERFECT AND COMPLETE!!!”

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