Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Psalms 27:14                                        (ESV)
“”WAIT FOR THE LORD”; be strong, and let your heart take courage; “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!”

Twelve years!  When I was 12, it seemed like it was a lifetime.  The last 12 years seems so brief, yet so long ago, that is almost like a separate life???

Twelve years ago today I awoke with my brain experiencing a leak, a Hemorrhage, that slowed my life down in every way possible.   The 52 days in a hospital, the almost two years out of the workforce, and searching many, MANY times for the correct words to say has become almost a science, rather than a game.  ALMIGHTY GOD carefully orchestrated a recovery that restored my physical attributes to nothing short of MIRACULOUS levels, but HE caused my WORD RECALL to frequently be less than optimal, knowing that I would have to completely lean on HIM for saying exactly what HE desires me to say.  

Of course, Psalms 46:10 has spoken to me immensely during the elapsed time, but Psalms 27:14 has also been used to help me to “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!   It is easy to say “BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” when you have been in a coma for three weeks, but to “WAIT FOR THE LORD” means yielding to HIS DESIRES for your life.  It means giving up what “you thought” was the best way to go and doing what HE IS LEADING YOU TO DO!  

July 09, 2007 my journey took a major detour, not from GOD’S PLAN, but from my plan?!?  Driving to and from the hospital all of those days must have been trying for my wife.  However, a song was on the radio one evening called GOD IS IN CONTROL.  Looking back, since GOD IS IN CONTROL why is it so difficult for me to “WAIT FOR THE LORD”?   ALMIGHTY GOD IS IN CONTROL, and if we know what is best we will “WAIT FOR THE LORD”!   

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