Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Psalms 46:10-11                         (NASB)
“10 "CEASE STRIVING” and know that I am GOD; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; The GOD of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.”

In our lives we have become so BUSY that we seemingly constantly are in need of things to save time, make tasks easier, or simply perform the job for us.   However, one of the most ignored things that we do is allow the SPIRIT OF GOD to use HIS WORD to mold us and make us into the person HE has called us to be.   

Recently as I was in my quiet time, my mind was caused to reflect on a vision that GOD has given me, and how I will accomplish the vision, and when GOD will allow me to perform HIS Work?!?  Learning to WAIT on the LORD (Psalms 27:14) is part of KNOWING THAT HE IS GOD!  HE wouldn’t be much of a GOD if HE allowed us to beg and whine HIM into submission, would HE?  

That is when I remembered the NASB version of Psalms 46:10.  In my mind, “CEASE STRIVING” says that we need to stop trying to be in charge, to make things happen for our CREATOR!  HE IS GOD AND WE ARE NOT is the thing that I have to be reminded of, and CONSTANTLY!  “GOD, however, never invited me to be a co-GOD with HIM” is a statement made by J.D. Greear in the book JESUS CONTINUED that is ringing very loudly in n my memory bank today!!!

Speaking solely for me, maybe I need to “CEASE STRIVING” to be co-GOD and start celebrating that HE IS GOD more?  The LORD OF HOSTS is with me and I should forever be celebrating that!  Maybe I will have more time to do that when I “CEASE STRIVING”???

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