Thursday, November 28, 2019


Psalms 46:10                                                     (ESV)
“"BE STILL, and KNOW that I AM God. “I WILL BE EXALTED” among the nations, “I WILL BE EXALTED” in the earth!"”

Today is Thanksgiving 2019.  In less than one month we will celebrate Christmas.  What should this do to the inside of our hearts???  Should we just be content with seeing our families and friends and offering brief acknowledgement that JESUS was born on a day similar to this?  Our CREATOR took on human form to provide me a way of salvation and I want to celebrate by giving gifts to other people???  

We need to understand that our very existence and beings are dependent upon GOD allowing us to have breath (Isaiah 42:5).  So why are we blinded to setting aside one day to be THANKFUL, then a few hours later battling other humans to grab the latest gadgets and worldly devices that prevent us from spending our time studying to be more like HIM in the WORD OF GOD?  

ALMIGHTY GOD granted the knowledge and ingenuity so mankind could make inventions that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.  Although some devices are used to enhance the study of THE WORD, we tend to find more enjoyment in “games” (sports, video games, whatever thrills us) than discovering what GOD would have us do with our lives?  Silly games versus hearing from our CREATOR??   

And I am just as guilty as the next person, allowing myself to be caught up in the things of this world when I could be listening to things of GOD?  How many times will GOD have to remind me to “"BE STILL, and KNOW  that I AM GOD. “I WILL BE EXALTED” among the nations, “I WILL BE EXALTED” in the earth!"”?   HE IS GOING TO BE EXALTED IN THE EARTH, whether it is of our own free will, or we have to be MADE to exalt HIM!  “I WILL BE EXALTED”!!!

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