Friday, November 1, 2019


Luke 4:5-8                                      (ESV)
“5 And the devil took HIM up and showed HIM all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time,
6 and said to HIM, "To YOU I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.
7 If YOU, then, will worship me, IT WILL ALL BE YOURS.”
8 And JESUS answered him, "IT IS WRITTEN”, "'You shall worship the LORD your GOD, and HIM only shall you serve.'"

Observing comments recently made by one man to another man caused me to wonder why we have devolved into a society that seems to have such a small vision of just WHO it is that we worship?  Our GOD should receive all honor and glory from everything we do, for HE gives us the very air that we breathe!  The one person was announcing his intentions to nominate another person for a leadership role inside a denominational hierarchy, when ALMIGHTY GOD removed the barrier between GOD and man on Crucifixion day (Luke 23:45).  

Don’t get me wrong, GOD uses vessels that HE chooses to perform tasks assigned to them, but some of those have been not been the person man would have selected.   When GOD IN THE FLESH was tempted by satan after HE had spent 40 days in the wilderness ALONE WITH GOD, JESUS was hungry (Luke 4:2b)!  Yet HE responded to satan’s temptation with Scripture, “IT IS WRITTEN”!  

So many times we want to have an answer to an issue that is before us IMMEDIATELY, and we won’t WAIT ON THE LORD and HIS guidance.  GOD could be teaching us to SLOW DOWN and wait on HIM?  Just because “this world” places it’s deadlines and parameters on us doesn’t mean that GOD has to abide by them.  HEAVENLY FATHER operates on a different level than mankind and HIS results do not depend on what man sees is the best solution.  

David was the youngest son of Jesse tending sheep when Samuel anointed him as King (1 Samuel 16:12)!  Moses was a stuttering murderer when GOD spoke to him in the burning bush (Exodus 3)!  Of the twelve disciples, until GOD CHOSE them, had little notoriety.  Yet GOD used these people to change the world.  ALMIGHTY GOD is the ONE we need to look to to guide and direct our future.  HE ALONE is worthy to be adhered to.  Man can make his plans, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand (Proverbs 19:21)!  “IT IS WRITTEN”!!!

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